Saturday, April 22, 2006


Posting might be a bit light for about the next week as I spend some time in Seattle. I'll be taking in the White Sox-Mariners series and am looking forward to finally seeing the Kingdome. I've been anxious to see some games in the Kingdome for years.

Ah, the Kingdome.

Bulls at Heat tonight. Game One. Apparently, ESPN will be showing the game on all of its 72 channels from different angles. Nice. The Unknown Column is pumped. HERE WE MOTHERFUCKIN' GO NOW!

Mark Buerhle outdueled Johan Santana last night. 7-1 Pale Hose. Jim Thome has scored in all 16 games thus far. Crazy. The funniest part of the game was that Chicago's favorite binge drinker, Kyle Orton, was in about the third row and could be seen every time they showed a shot of right-handed hitters in between pitches. I was waiting for drunken hilarity to ensue, but alas, nothing. I suppose that's good for the Bears.

Speaking of the Bears, they've signed the Panthers Ricky Manning to an offer sheet. Shoring up the secondary. I like it.


Let's go Bulls.

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