Thursday, April 6, 2006

Sick Fuck

Ryan McFayden, that is. Send him to jail. Give his cell block mates some lube. Turn a blind eye.

McFayden in an e-mail...

"...I've decided to have some strippers over...however there will be no nudity...i plan on killing the bitches as soon as the(y) walk in and proceeding to cut their skin off while cumming in my duke issue spandex."


Two questions here:

No nudity? That's odd. I mean, apparently McFayden has no problem with rape, sodomy, or cutting the skin off of women, but he draws the line at nudity? Really? Is that a little too risque for him?

More importantly, as sick as McFayden obviously is, what does this e-mail say about the rest of the Duke lacrosse team? Who gets an e-mail like this and then not only casually shows up for the party, but even joins in the pillage? If I received an e-mail like this, I'm steering clear of whoever sent it. I mean, I'm all for hiring the occasional stripper, but I draw the line when murder and the slow dismembering of human bodies are on the agenda.

All I have to say is that this cat (and whoever else joined in McFayden's twisted fantasies) better do some serious jail time. There is a reason I've always hated Duke, and it's exactly because of silver-spooned, self-important, suburban rich boys like these pricks, or like Quin Snyder. They've probably had their way their entire lives and fully expect to get out of any sticky situation because Daddy is going to hire the finest, slimiest lawyers. And it may just happen. If it did, it wouldn't be a shock.

Fuck them all. Send them all to jail.

If McFayden and the others use their privileged status to skate, the residents of Durham may just burn it down. And I wouldn't blame them.

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