Saturday, May 6, 2006

Fuck David Glass

The Royals are in town this weekend and, of course, this is welcome news to any White Sox fan, forgetting for the moment, of course, the blown lead in the ninth inning and ensuing loss last night to arguably baseball's most pathetic franchise.

Listen, as a White Sox diehard, there is a certain comfort that comes with knowing that the Royals make their woeful existence in the AL Central. I won't deny it. Yeah, it's nice to know that the Sox have about 19 winnable games against the laughable Royals in any given year.

That said, I can't help but feel for the fans of any franchise that refuses to make a genuine effort to be competitive. And when you consider that the Royals used to be a model franchise, consistently making the playoffs in the '70s and '80s and even winning a World Series in 1985, their fans must be living in baseball hell. (Here in Chicago, Blackhawks fans can relate.)

So on that note, fuck the Royals owner, David Glass. I'm just going to rip off this entire post from the Sports Frog as it provides a small look at what a tool Glass is...

David Glass is angry.

"An angry David Glass vowed Friday that "significant changes" are coming soon to the woeful Kansas City Royals.

"I'm not willing for us to sit and wait to see if it gets better," the Royals owner told The Associated Press on Friday. "We've got to figure out what we've got to do to make it better. And that's what I'm working on."

So what did this man do to deserve a horrific baseball team ??

Exhibit 1

David D. Glass became Owner and Chief Executive Officer of the Kansas City Royals on April 18, 2000 after serving as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Royals since Sept. 23, 1993. The Board, comprised of Glass and other individuals appointed by Glass, approved his bid of $96 million for the Royals despite the fact a competing bid by Miles Prentice was 25% higher, at $120 million.

So as a member of the board for the Royals, he cheated a dead man's estate out of 24million dollars.

Exhibit 2

In 1992, NBC news series Dateline interviewed Glass during an investigation into Wal-Mart's "Made in America" and "Bring It Home to the USA" marketing campaigns. The show aired footage of children working in factories in Bangladesh making clothes destined for Wal-Mart, as well as footage of Wal-Mart stores with "Made in America" signs hung over imported goods. When asked about children in Asia working in sweatshop conditions, Glass' reply was "You and I might, perhaps, define children differently," and then said that since Asians are quite short, one can't always tell how old they were. Glass was shown photographs of one factory that burned down with the children still locked inside. He responded, "Yeah...there are tragic things that happen all over the world." Glass stormed out of the interview, which was terminated immediately by Wal-Mart.

Exhibit 3

During the Major League Baseball strike of 1994-1995, Glass, who was not yet owner of the Royals but chairman of the board administering the team after Ewing Kauffman's death, was one of the most forceful voices in opposing a settlement with the players' union, and supporting the use of "replacement" players, despite a court ruling that Major League owners were in violation of Federal labor laws.

To me it looks like he has gotten what he deserves. David Glass you are a pox on baseball, America and a free market economy.

Again, fuck David Glass. I have little to no problem with the Royals languishing at the bottom of the AL Central. I do, however, have a problem with a piece of shit like Glass being allowed to hold the fans of a city hostage year after year.

And fuck Bud Selig for allowing it.

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