Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Edmonton Needs Beer Pronto

There is a very serious situation brewing in Edmonton, whose Oilers are one win away from the Stanley Cup Finals for the first time since their dynasy years: The city needs beer and it needs it fast!

As for beer crisis, bar owners on Whyte Ave., the city's party strip, are saying they're running dangerously low. Oiler fans have consumed so much alcohol that the bar owners have sent out emergency keg requests.

And when it's dubbed an emergency keg request, you know it has to be serious.

No beer? Yes, that is very serious. I'm getting shivers just thinking about the horror of it all. Hell, I go into straight-up panic mode in the seventh inning of a baseball game when last call is being served.

Incidentally, count me as a big fan of the Oilers finally being back in the championship mix. It's been too long. It's also nice to see a Canadian team assumedly heading to the finals. There should be some sort of rule that at least one of the teams in the finals is from Canada.

And for the love of god, bring back the Winnipeg Jets! I demand it!

UPDATE: This site has the lowdown on what has been going on in Edmonton during the playoffs. (Hat tip, Oiler.)

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