Monday, June 5, 2006

Unlucky Again

As if it wasn't hard enough on Carlos Zambrano to be playing for the perpetual losers on the North Side, he just had a no-hitter broken up in the eighth inning against the Astros. It was only a couple of weeks ago he had no-hitter broken up against the Braves in the seventh when Jaque Jones dropped a routine fly in the sun. (I still don't know how that wasn't ruled an error.)

Damn, for all the pointing Zambrano likes to do towards the heavens, he must have pissed off the baseball gods somewhere along the way. His season thus far has been, quite simply, cruel.

As a White Sox fan, Zambrano has long been my favorite Cub. Nobody in baseball plays with more passion. Nobody. Of course, his passion sometimes borders on complete lunacy, but whatever. I look forward to the day Ozzie persuades his fellow Venezuelan to come pitch on the South Side. It can't be long now, right? That'll be awesome.

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