2-1 Ghana.
I am so FUCKING PISSED OFF right now.
The U.S. was just screwed over by more incompetent referring. Onyewu is called for an absolutely horrible call in the box and Ghana converts the penalty kick to go ahead. Onyewu barely touched him. Both players were going up for the ball. Even worse, the ball was a coming down straight from the sky. It wasn't like the Ghana player had a chance to head home a good cross.
Horrible call.
I can feel my heart beating through my chest I am so pissed.
FIFA needs to take a long, long, long look in the mirror and do something about the refereers that are doing a helluva job to ruin this World Cup. Yes, I realize this may sound like bitching, especially after American went to town raging against Jore fuckin' Larrionda screwing us aginst Italy, but this is warranted. This is not sour grapes. This is not whining. This is not complaining.
This is total bullshit.
Worst of all, Italy is taking care of business for us in the other game and the Czechs are down to ten men.
True story: As Ghana scored the opener to go up 1-0 an enormous blast of thunder erupted in the sky here. I mean, it was perfectly timed. The ball went into the U.S. net and the thunder struck. Ominous timing and, hopefully, not a sign.
Speaking of the first goa, way to go Claudio Reyna. Next time just give the ball to the guy. That way you might avoid also getting injured in the process as you did.
Why isn't Landon Donovan playing? Oh, he is? I haven't seen him.
Fuck this ref. Fuck this ref. Fuck this ref. Fuck this ref.
The only good thing is that the U.S. is now in a position to earn its most dramatic, heroic win ever.
I don't want to go out like this. I don't want to be cheated. If we lose, we lose. But don't cheat us.