At the risk of being an ugly American, I have a little something (as does the member of Sam's Army seen below) for the referee of today's United States-Italy game. I love how the U.S.' all-time leading goalscorer, Brian McBride, is bloodied by the wild elbows of DeRossi - wild elbows, by the way, that Karl Malone would be proud of - and somehow the U.S. ends up playing with nine men. I also have a little something (see below again) for FIFA, which let the clown in question, Jorge Lorrionda from Uraguay, officiate World Cups games after - get this! - HE HAD PREVIOUSLY BEEN SUSPENDED FOR CORRUPTION IN 2002!
That's a special kind of stupidity.
I'm patiently awaiting the explanation for this. Should be interesting.
Jorge Larrionda, this is for you, you corrupt, incompetent doofus. (Was David Cross at the game?)...
More thoughts later.