Friday, June 2, 2006

More Red Squares!

FIFA has apparently taken a page out of the NFL front office playbook and is cracking down on uniform regulations with the zeal of the Mimai police cracking down on Gilbert Arenas. Croatia has had to alter its distinctive checkerboard look because, after close examination, it had 30% more white on its jersey than is allowed under regulations. Yes, 30%. Somebody actually took a ruler and measured all those squares one at a time.

So what alterations have been made to satisfy FIFA?

"The two rows of squares are added to the part of the jersey that is tucked into the players' shorts," Nike Croatia Dalibor Fustar said. "The new strip has already been sent to Germany."

Well, thank goodness for that. Just think of what could have gone wrong had a few more red squares which won't even be visible not been added. Phew.

Incidentally, Croatia has only been playing as an independent nation since the breakup of the former Yugoslavia in the 1990's. Since then, its checkerboard unis have become one of the most distinguishable in soccer. So give the Croats some credit for originality. The look isn't exactly yet up there with the Yankees' pinstripes or Notre Dame's golden helmets, but its definitely a look that has set them apart.

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