In Tuesday's win over the Padres of San Diego, Johnny Cueto threw 120 pitches - an alarmingly high number when you consider his age, body size and innings logged thus far. Remember, the dude pitched thirty or so innings in winter ball, and probably shouldn't be over-extended.
Dear Reds' brass,
Take it easy on the guy - and think longterm, dammit; this season doesn't matter. If Cueto can solve his Tomko-esque head problems, we have a legitimate ace on our hands. Regardless, he should be nowhere near 200 innings by the end of the year or 120 pitches in another game - I don't care how taxed the bullpen is.
Speaking of taking it easy on young pitchers...
The development of Daryl Thompson has led to (a.) me being happy, and (b.) Wayne Krivsky being able to sleep at night. With a little polish, Thompson has the makings of a really good No. 3 starter. The only question mark with Thompson--aside from him developing a sharper breaking ball--is his durability; the guy has a history of shoulder injuries.
In fact, Thompson recently strained his shoulder. Again. Which is concerning, but probably not the end of the world. That is, until I read in the Enquirer what Terry Reynolds, the Reds' director of player development, had to say about Thompson's injury: "We don't think it's too serious. We think with rest and rehab he'll be able to pitch again this year."
WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT? WHY? Who cares if he's able to pitch again this year? Shut the man down and get him ready for next year. Be patient.
In the words of me, "Relax."
-Brad Spieser (Brad@TwinKilling.com)