Eight missed calls and three text messages. That's what I had waiting for me upon my 10:30 wake-up. The reason? Griffey. Of course.
I know what you're thinking. You're thinking that I'm really popular - that isn't the case. One call came from KJR radio in Seattle (they wanted to interview me about the Griffey trade; they still think I'm in radio), and the other missed calls/text messages were mostly from Craig.
In case you forgot, Craig still believes Griffey is a superstar - or at least still good. He uses words like "not terrible" and throws out numbers like 107 OPS+, as if I should be impressed. Anyway, it's been a bad day for Craig, as the biggest story in his lifetime is also a tragic one.
Actual text message sent from Craig at 9:15 a.m. EST: "Wake up! Did you sleep through 9/11?"
Now that's perspective.
(In case you were wondering, yes, I posted a picture of a young, athletic Griffey as a reminder of the player he hasn't been in ages.)
-Brad Spieser (Brad@TwinKilling.com)