Craig got himself thrown out of our rec league basketball game tonight less than five minutes into the contest.
And how?
Delay of game warning...followed by a few F-Bombs...followed by technical No. 1...followed by an overreacting ref...followed by another technical...followed by an ejection from the game...followed by an ejection from the building...followed by really loud F-Bombs and angrily tossed basketballs...followed by the rest of his teammates having to play the remaining 35 minutes with only four players.
And we lost...by one...in overtime...at the buzzer...against mammals who weren't in wheelchairs.
(Note: At halftime I checked my phone and noticed I had a new text message; it was from Craig. It was the least genuine thing I'd ever seen - it read, "Sorry.")
Craig and I will be podcasting about this (and more) tomorrow morning. I'll have it posted as soon as possible (ASAP).
-Brad Spieser (Brad@TwinKilling.com)