www.vegasinsider.com (an Internet website) recently posted future odds for 2008 college football win totals. I don't want to overstate things, but this is bigger than the Kennedy assassination and the Challenger explosion combined.
This led to a semi-decent discovery on www.wikipedia.org...
Last night, as Craig and I were 76 minutes into a 144-minute telephone conversation ("Who should we take? Why? Why not?") the topic eventually turned to West Virginia (over 9.5). After weighing the pros and cons, we finally brought up former Mountaineer WR Darius Reynaud, someone we each consider to be a super being. Problem is, Craig believed he was still a part of the team, while I was almost positive Reynaud was out of eligibility. We headed to Reynaud's page on www.wikipedia.org to settle the score.
Sure enough, Reynaud came out early and went undrafted (somehow). But that's not the awesome part. How about this, from the Personal Life section of his page: "His favorite musical artists are LL Cool J, Lil Boosie, Lil Wayne, Lil John, and Lil Scrappy, but Lil Boosie over Lil Wayne."
What was that again? Lil Boosie, Lil Wayne, Lil John, and Lil Scrappy, but Lil Boosie over Lil Wayne.
I love that. I love the clarification at the end - ...but Lil Boosie over Lil Wayne.
Got it.
-Brad Spieser (Brad@TwinKilling.com)