1. At one point--and maybe throughout the entire Alabama-Clemson murder--Alabama's two kick returners were named Julio and Javier. And just to save you the suspense, neither had a drop of Hispanic blood in their body. I can't get enough of the College Football Name Game.
2. While watching the Colorado-Colorado State match Sunday night, play-by-play man Joel Meyers told the story of Colorado freshman RB Darrell Scott, and why he committed to play for the Buffs. The reason? Scott's uncle is...wait for it...wait for it...a wide receiver at Colorado! Not the wide receiver's coach, but an actual wide receiver! Remember when you're uncles were thirty years older than you? Remember when they made you get them a beer at Thanksgiving? Remember when they made inappropriate comments when a 17-year-old Britney Spears was on the television? Oh, how times have changed...
-Brad Spieser (Brad@TwinKilling.com)