You waited. And waited. But now it's finally here, and you just urinated on the sofa.
With our first ever fantasy football podcast, hardcore fantasy football discussion and whatnot, Craig and I tell disastrous trading stories and hand out future drafting strategies (kinda); it's extremely helpful. We also break down the proper way to post comments on a league message board (sorta). Bonus: I'm a little ashamed to admit this, but Craig and I give an in-depth scouting report on the Kansas City Chiefs (but not really).
Maybe I went overboard labeling this thing "Hardcore," and should have called it a "How To." But it's a funny How To. Anyway, I think you'll find our advice (especially Craig's) to be helpful for your upcoming season.
Keep the change, you filthy animals.
-Brad Spieser (Brad@TwinKilling.com)