Sunday, December 7, 2008

Fixing Football: Chapter 1 Extended Cut

For all the people who agree that Texas has a legitimate gripe - which is pretty much everyone - are you able to admit that Texas Tech owns the exact same gripe. I mean really...what's the difference between Texas and Texas Tech?

I know it seems like Texas is better than Texas Tech, and they almost certainly are, but Texas Tech beat the Horns, and like Texas (and Oklahoma), the Red Raiders sport only one loss.

Equations 'n' shit: If Texas Tech beat Texas...and Texas beat Oklahoma...

Texas Tech is better than Oklahoma?

Again, I'm pretty sure that right now - this very second - the three best teams in the Big 12 are (1.) Oklahoma, (2.) Texas and (3.) Mike Leach's fat face.

But that doesn't mean the Texas teams don't have a reason to bomb the city of Norman, Oklahoma tonight, either.

The BCS probably got it right this year with Florida and Oklahoma, but it was dumb luck. The NCAA desperately needs to adopt a playoff system, whether it be 16, 32 or - my dream - 64 teams participating. Tournaments might not always determine a true champion but they do a better job than the BCS. Plus, tourneys eliminate the bad taste in the mouth, like what Texas, Texas Tech, Boise, etc., are experiencing right now.

Do you think Boise State would rather lose in the second round of the tournament this year or beat TCU 21-10 in the Poinsettia Bowl? The answer is obvious: A second round loss. And why? Because they at least had a chance to play for the national title. Ask any former college basketball player with an N.I.T. ring if they'd give it back to play in the Big Dance and I'd bet anything the overwhelming majority would. It's the same thing in college football; the Poinsettia Bowl (or Bowl, or whatever) is the N.I.T., and nobody gets excited for that.
College football needs a tournament, and if you don't think so, think back two years to Boise State's dramatic upset of Oklahoma in the Fiesta Bowl. Imagine if this happened in an Elite game and we had a whole week of anticipation to see if Boise State could shock the world one more time (I'd suggest starting the video at the 4:09 mark, right when Boise's radio team take over):

See what I mean?

Finally: Stop telling me 64 teams would be too many, and stop reminding me how many more teams compete in D-I hoops compared to D-I football. I know. Really, I do. But I also don't care. The NBA and NHL send roughly half their leagues to the playoffs - and often times multiple teams with losing records - and I don't see a massive uproar. Plus, a whopping 68 teams are competing in bowl games this year! Whatever. I know I'll never see the day, but a 64-team tournament is doable. And for those of you who disagree, I'd love you to email me and tell me how much you hated when
George Mason made the 2006 Final Four. Assholes.

-Brad Spieser (

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