I just want to start this off with something that has nothing to do with betting on collegiate athletics: Ryan Howard's nostrils are the biggest nostrils in the history of nostrils.
So there.
Anyway, the Brian Vickers System now sports an outstanding record of 30-23-1, and I'm thinking this is the week it's taken to another level. We get it going with a Thursday nighter...
TCU (pick) vs. Byu
Explanation: No. 9 BYU has a legitimate shot to be the best non-BCS team since the flawed system went into effect ten years ago. The Cougs have a great offense, a good defense, and unlike most teams outside of the big six conferences, don't rely on gimmicks. They're a team without a single visible hole, and appear to be on a crash course with the Rose or Fiesta Bowl. And now you're telling me they face an unranked TCU team and the point-spread is pick 'em? Huh? The Horned Frogs are a nice team and all, and they get to play host Thursday night, but they should be four-point underdogs against BYU. They're not. TCU isn't even a slight underdog, somehow. I know what this means: Vegas is dying for you to take BYU. In the words of the great Seg Dennison, "Nah, baby, nah." Trust me, the play is TCU. I think.
-Brad Spieser (Brad@TwinKilling.com)