"Deliver us from evil." I seem to recall hearing those words several thousand times in my youth. Well...
14 wins, 9 losses, 1 tie.
That's what our religion has delivered us. I've seen the horrors of gambling, and they ain't pretty. I tried everything you could imagine to either (a.) quit, or (b.) get things under control. No dice. Nicotine patch is to smokers what two-team teasers are to degenerate gamblers. Anyway, it might be contextually humorous to consider Brian Vickers a goddamn genius, or it might simply be true. Either way, we're beating Vegas, and I'm expecting more of the same. Don't be afraid to spread the Good Word of Mr. Vickers - we can use all the help you can offer. Remember, nobody knew what Scientology was fifteen years ago, but it forced Tom Cruise to jump on Oprah's couch, which ultimately made him more famous than playing topless volleyball against Val Kilmer ever could. Think about it...
Anyway, on to the picks:
Duke (-7) vs. Virginia
Buffalo (+7.5) at Central Michigan
Akron (+10.5) vs. Cincinnati
Tennessee (+7.5) at Auburn
Penn State (-15.5) vs. Illinois
Bears (+3) vs. Eagles
Bengals (-3) vs. Browns
Bucs (-1) vs. Packers
Ravens (+5) at Steelers
I promised loyal reader Jason H. that I would explain the picks as opposed to simply posting them, but that'll have to wait a week. I'm a jerk. And a liar.
See you in church!
-Brad Spieser (Brad@TwinKilling.com)