Three things that don't even seem possible:
1. The Indianapolis Colts possessed the ball for fewer than four minutes in the second half of their last-second loss to the Jags. I have nothing to add to this.
2. Kansas City has started three QBs in the first three weeks of the season. This alone is not a big deal, as the Chiefs have lousy quarterbacks. What's amazing, though, is that this has happened three times in the modern era to start a season...and all three times those teams made the playoffs. You what that means, right? Buy stock in the Chiefs before lunch time.
3. Entering Wednesday's games, Ryan Howard (46 HR, 141 RBI) and Joey Votto (22 HR, 79 RBI) essentially have the same OPS+, with the surging MVP candidate holding a narrow 121-117 edge on the handsome Canuck. The lesson: RBI is an overrated statistic.
-Brad Spieser (Brad@TwinKilling.com)