Thursday, October 12, 2006

Oh, Please, No

According to this, Kenny Williams may be interested in bringing Alex Rodriguez to the South Side.

White Sox GM Ken Williams still believes Alex Rodriguez, only 31 years old, would be a hero in Chicago, and never has been afraid of criticism for making a big splash for a big name. The White Sox would have much more than most teams to offer the Yankees—certainly more than the talent-starved Cubs—in return, including fellow third baseman Crede. Coincidence or not, Crede also is represented by Boras, not a friendly face among Sox executives. But Boras could do both of his clients a favor getting Rodriguez to a less-pressurized situation in Chicago.

In the name of all that is holy, this simply cannot happen. Being forced to root for A-Rod day in and day out...well...I don't even want to think about it. My dislike for the guy is well known, and in this regard I am far from alone. There were overflowing amounts of scheudenfreud in my mind this past weekend as the Yankees were booted by the Tiggers and A-Rod once again choked in the postseason. It was the icing on the cake following the Sports Illustrated article from only a few weeks ago that fully exposed all the dislike for A-Rod there is in this world, even from his teammates. Watching A-Rod and the Yanks fail yet again was one of those rare instances where everything goes so, so perfectly.

Yes, I know A-Rod puts up phenomenal numbers and is still in his prime, but his excess baggage just isn't worth it. Even worse, why would you want him to replace Joe Crede? The Sox waited patiently through several years as Crede struggled as a youngster. But each year he got a little better and this past summer he finally blossomed (.283 AVG, 30 HR, 94 RBI). And those numbers, most likely, will continue to improve. Toss in the facts that Crede is arguably the best defensive third baseman in the game and has always been a class act, and this move would make no sense. Sure, Crede is a free agent and due for a big pay raise, but both he and A-Rod are represented by superevil agent Scott Boras and the Sox are going to pay a boatload either way.

I realize this is only a rumor, and I realize that the Sox have super prospect Josh Fields itching to come up from the minors to play third base (which would allow A-Rod to switch back to shortstop), but I'm genuinely creeped out here.

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