Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Snooki loses licence

Snooki loses licence

Jersey Shore star Snooki loses driving licence after car crash that left two Italian police officers in hospital.

Jersey Shore star Snooki has lost her driving licence after being involved in a car crash that put two police officers in an Italian hospital.
Snooki, real name Nicole Polizzi, 23, was behind the wheel of Fiat Multipla with co-star Deena in the passenger seat beside her when the fender bender happened.
She was breath tested at the scene - but not drugs tested - and then taken to a local police station when it emerged she did not have any documents with her when questioned.

 Police drama: Jersey Shore star Nicole 'Snooki' Polizzi has lost her driving licence after crashing into a patrol car in Florence, Italy, yesterday

 Where Snooki goes, trouble follows: The reality TV star was questioned by police after the crash but couldn't produce any documents

The prang happened in the Renaissance city of Florence where the hit MTV show is filming its fourth series which will be screened in the United States later this year.
Police said that Snooki rammed into the side of a police car that was escorting them around the city and the rush hour impact then forced her into a concrete road barrier.
Although she is unlikely to face a criminal prosecution she could be taken to court in a civil action by the two police officers - a man and a woman - who were injured in the crash.

 Fender bender: Snooki crashed her Fiat Multipla into the back of a patrol car

 Uninjured: Snooki's housemate Deena was her passenger in the car, and was filmed by MTV as she talked to police

They had to be taken to hospital by ambulance and were seen being placed onto stretchers after suffering from whiplash injuries, cuts and bruising brought on by the seatbelt.
Although they were not seriously hurt they have been signed off work and now have 90 days to decide whether to take civil action against Snooki for any damage caused.
The two have both been released from the orthopaedic trauma unit of the Careggi hospital in Florence although neither will be able to work for at least a week.

 Distressed: Snooki held her head in her hands after the accident

 Backed up: The crash caused a traffic jam in the Italian city

Mario Rondinelli, a Florence police spokesman, said:'It was a minor accident but two police officers were taken to hospital suffering from slight injuries.
'It was nothing serious and they have been released but they will not be back at work for a week. The Italian law states that if a person is injured in an accident then the other person deemed to have caused the accident loses their licence.
'It will be for a minimum of 15 days although the Florence police chief has the ultimate decision on the length of time and he will look at the file over the next few days.
'It's unlikely that there will be a criminal case as it was a very minor accident but the two colleagues involved could decide on a civil case which is their right.'
Mr Rondinelli added that Snooki had been breath tested as a matter of caution but this had proved negative and he said that she had not been tested for drugs.
There were initial reports that Snooki had been arrested but this was not the case - instead when it was discovered she had no driving documents with her she was taken to a nearby police station to wait for them to arrive.
When they first arrived in Italy almost three weeks ago the guys managed to rack up more than 300 Euro worth of fines for various traffic violations and at press conference they even said driving in the city was difficult.
The crash brought chaos to the centre of Florence bringing the rush hour traffic to a standstill as onlookers in passing cars slowed down to see what all the fuss was.

Bad behaviour: Snooki was sent to a 'drunk tank' to sober up after her arrest on the Jersey Shore in July

Read more: Dailymail

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