Friday, March 11, 2011

Japanese Earthquake 11 January 2011

One of the Biggest Earth Quake of World's Recorded History in Japan

People flee for their lives as ten-metre high tsunami washes away buildings after massive 8.9 quake strikes Japan.

By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 7:26 AM on 11th March 2011

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Huge tsunami waves have washed away buildings and cars after a massive earthquake struck off the coast of Japan.
The earthquake, measuring 8.9 on the Richter scale, sent ten-metre waves surging inland and caused fires in Tokyo.

Japan's meteorological agency said the tsunami struck Sendai, which has a population of about one million.
Drivers were seen fleeing the waves on highways close to the coast as the impact of the huge quake swept ashore while the car park at Disneyland in Tokyo was submerged.

Japanese Earthquake 11 January 2011 by cool wallpapers at cool wallpapers
Japanese Earthquake 11 January 2011 by cool wallpapers at cool wallpapers
Japanese Earthquake 11 January 2011 by cool wallpapers at cool wallpapers
Japanese Earthquake 11 January 2011 by cool wallpapers at cool wallpapers
Japanese Earthquake 11 January 2011 by cool wallpapers at cool wallpapers
Japanese Earthquake 11 January 2011 by cool wallpapers at cool wallpapers
Japanese Earthquake 11 January 2011 by cool wallpapers at cool wallpapers
Japanese Earthquake 11 January 2011 by cool wallpapers at cool wallpapers
Japanese Earthquake 11 January 2011 by cool wallpapers at cool wallpapers

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