Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Miley Cyrus is not single

The singer-and-actress – who was recently romantically linked to British actor Joshua Bowman after meeting him on the set of new movie ‘So Undercover’ – “loves” Australian boys, including her ex-boyfriend Liam Hemsworth, but does not plan to fall for one on a forthcoming trip Down Under as she is in a relationship.

Miley said: “I don’t want to cross out the Australian boys but I may or may not be single ... I love Australian boys though obviously.

“Liam and I are very close, I’m not going to comment too much, but you guys don’t have to worry about that ... I’m definitely not coming to Australia single.”

Miley, 18, also revealed she is not a fan of social networking site twitter because she doesn’t want to be “hypocritical” by encouraging interest in her personal life.

She told 2Day FM’s Kyle & Jackie O Show: “I do not tweet, I do not social network, I try to stay out of it ... for me, I complain enough about people knowing too much about my private life, so to go out there and exploit myself would be silly and hypocritical of what I stand for.”

The ‘Last Song’ actress was said to be “inseparable” from Joshua at the wrap party for ‘So Undercover’ earlier this year, but were taking things slowly.

A source said: “They were inseparable at the movie's wrap party but Miley's back in Los Angeles at the moment and Joshua's in Louisiana, so they're going to see how it goes."

funny April fool's pranks

Toilet Trouble

Put a piece of bubblewrap under the toilet seat so when your victim sits, they are surprised by a loud POP!

You Spilled What

Find an old bottle of nail polish that you don't want anymore. Unscrew the cap and set it sideways on a piece of waxed paper, letting the contents flow out into a puddle. When it dries completely, peel it off of the paper. Now you can put it anywhere and trick someone into thinking there is spilled nail polish. Works best on something your victim cherishes or on one of their important documents!

Classic Pranks

Two Black Eyes

Put a dark substance around the eyepiece of a pair of binoculars (we recommend dark eye-shadow instead of the black shoe polish used in the classic prank of yesteryear). Hand them to your victim and point out something for them to look at in the distance. Then laugh at the dark circles around their eyes.

Trip and Slip

Wait until your victim is in the kitchen. Come in and start filling a bucket with water (tell them you're washing the car or something). Only instead of actually filling the bucket, just pretend. Lift the bucket with both hands, acting like it's heavy and filled with water. Take a couple of steps in the victim's direction and suddenly "trip" and aim the bucket right toward them. They'll duck thinking they're getting splashed!

Do the Splits

Find a scrap of cloth. Place a dollar on the floor and stay nearby. When the victim comes by and bends down to pick up the dollar, rip the cloth loudly. Most people will reach back to see if they ripped their pants. One of the original classic April Fool's pranks of all time! 


Crossed Wires
Either late on March 31st or very early on April 1st sneak into a shared office and unplug two phones and re-plug them in with the lines crossed. Both victims will go nuts trying to figure out why they're getting each others' calls.

The Walls Have Eyes

Buy a bunch of googly eyes from a craft store and stick them everywhere all over a person's desk.

Stop the Calls

If the victim has a phone with a hook that presses down when the handset is in the cradle, tape it down. When he or she answers a call it will keep ringing.

computer pranks
Document Panic
Has your victim been working on an important document on their computer? Carefully hide the document in a safe place, then create a fake document with the same name. Fill the document with gobbledy-gook or a funny story. At the bottom put "April Fool's!"

Embarrassing Find

Sneak onto your victim's computer and do a Google search for something really embarrassing (hemorrhoids, gender reassignment surgery, butt pimples, etc.). Leave the results window open for all to see!

Pakistan vs India Cricket World Cup 2011 Semi-final

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Pakistan vs India Cricket World Cup 2011 Semi-final
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Pakistan vs India Cricket World Cup 2011 Semi-final
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Pakistan vs India Cricket World Cup 2011 Semi-final

After a very interesting match India beat Pakistan by 29 runs,and remained the leader of winning all the matches from Pakistan in world cups...
From India side,Tendulkar played an match winning innings of 86 runs.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Pakistan vs India Cricket World Cup 2011 Semi-final

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Pakistan vs India Cricket World Cup 2011 Semi-final
by cool wallpapers
Pakistan vs India Cricket World Cup 2011 Semi-final
by cool wallpapers
Pakistan vs India Cricket World Cup 2011 Semi-final
by cool wallpapers
Pakistan vs India Cricket World Cup 2011 Semi-final
by cool wallpapers
Pakistan vs India Cricket World Cup 2011 Semi-final
by cool wallpapers
Pakistan vs India Cricket World Cup 2011 Semi-final
by cool wallpapers
Pakistan vs India Cricket World Cup 2011 Semi-final

The Second Semi-final of the Cricket World Cup 2011 will be played between Pakistan and India on the Wednesday 30th March 2011,both the teams are in their full form,and the the players of both sides are really interested in this match...
In all World Cup matches,Pakistan never beated India,and lets see what happens in this match............

Monday, March 28, 2011

Shahid Afridi vs Gautam Gambhir

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Shahid Afridi vs Gautam Gambhir
by cool wallpapers
Shahid Afridi vs Gautam Gambhir
by cool wallpapers
Shahid Afridi vs Gautam Gambhir
by cool wallpapers
Shahid Afridi vs Gautam Gambhir
by cool wallpapers
Shahid Afridi vs Gautam Gambhir
by cool wallpapers
Shahid Afridi vs Gautam Gambhir

Pakistani Cricket Team Offering Prayers At Mohali Ground

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Pakistani Cricket Team Offering Prayers At Mohali Ground
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Pakistani Cricket Team Offering Prayers At Mohali Ground
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Pakistani Cricket Team Offering Prayers At Mohali Ground
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Pakistani Cricket Team Offering Prayers At Mohali Ground
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Pakistani Cricket Team Offering Prayers At Mohali Ground
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Pakistani Cricket Team Offering Prayers At Mohali Ground
by cool wallpapers
Pakistani Cricket Team Offering Prayers At Mohali Ground

Kate Middleton Comparison with Princess Lady Diana

 What bride-to-be wants to compete with her mother-in-law?

In the case of  Kate Middleton, comparisons with the Princess Diana are inevitable and sometimes completely uncanny.The former Lady Diana Spencer was perceived as a bit frumpy when the 19-year-old kindergarten teacher became engaged to heir to the throne Prince Charles in 1981. Once in the royal spotlight, she emerged as the style icon of her time.

Middleton, who just turned 29, has had more time to hone her independence and casually elegant personal style, which includes her habit of shopping her own closet (rather than designer showrooms) for special occasions.

Yet remarkably, the two women seem to have more in common than their mutual affection for Prince William and a poignantly shared diamond-and-sapphire engagement ring.
 Meanwhile, read about the shade of blue-gray nail polish that’s been given a witty name in Middleton’s honor.

And take a peek at the sheer dress Middleton wore when she met Prince William that’s now considered a valuable royal collectible.

Is This The New People’s Princess? How Confident Kate Middleton Compares To “Shy Di”
 Kate is already of tougher sorts. Former newspaper editor Piers Morgan wrote: ‘I’ve rarely seen anyone enjoy the attentions of a camera lens quite like Prince William’s squeeze.’

Indeed, Kate does possess a confidence when on show. She was seemingly unfazed as she entered the Sandhurst parade ground for William’s graduation flanked by his private secretary as everyone but the Queen and the Prince of Wales was already seated.

But her intention to keep the media at bay is clear. Before her engagement Diana invited a newspaper journalist into her flat for a chat and a cup of tea.

Kate is well aware it would be a risky move. She has kept quiet so far and, knowing William’s distrust of the press, will continue to do so unless at official events or photocalls.

She already has her own lawyer – who also represents the Prince of Wales – and he swiftly set about writing to newspaper editors to protest at her harassment and pursued media outlets if he believed her privacy had been breached.

Diana became skilled at using the media for her own agenda, from her interview on Panorama, to the moment she turned up in a striking black cocktail dress on the night Charles admitted infidelity on television.

The cameras were still clicking years later as she lay dying inside a mangled Mercedes in an underpass in Paris.

As Kate prepares to enter the Royal Family, the public will be asking whether she is able to take up Diana’s mantle as their favourite Princess.

Keeping her mouth shut and with a lawyer in tow, Kate is already acting on the hindsight that Diana’s legacy left behind.

Is Kate Middleton Trying Too Hard To Be Princess Diana

 First comes love, then comes marriage…then comes, the transformation into the next Princess Diana? While Kate Middleton and Prince William should be enjoying the post-engagement bliss, with glowing faces and lazy wedding making plans, the Royal family seems to have a different idea. Prince William and Kate Middleton Pose For Engagement Photos

While it may be common practice for a man to pass on a “family ring,” that doesn’t generally mean that the woman follows every step of the groom’s mother from there on out, perhaps it’s different for a Princess-to-be. Recently British paparazzi spotted Middleton with her mother and sister stepping into the famous designer, Bruce Oldfield’s shop. Sure, standard practice for a bride-to-be to look for her wedding dress, but Kate isn’t any bride and walking in Princess Diana’s footsteps isn’t an easy feat.
While Princess Diana happened to favor Oldfield, it seems like Kate is doing her best to please the Royal family and make her debut, as part of their monarchy and be warmly welcomed by the British people.

“It must have been a special appointment because as a general rule Mr. Oldfield does not do front-of-shop work,” a source recently told NY Daily News, special may be an understatement?

Regardless of which designer Kate chooses, we know she’ll look stunning- the real concern here; is the pressure to join the Royal family and match up to their standards too much weight for this uber-in-love couple to handle long term? We shall see…..we’re rooting for you Kate and Prince William. Also, fashion note: you’d look flawless in lace, Kate–perhaps tell Oldfield we said so.

‘Don’t turn Kate into another Diana

 One of the UK’s most avid royal-watchers based in Norfolk has urged journalists not to turn Kate Middleton into “another Princess Diana”.

Pensioner Mary Relph, who lives near the royal estate in Sandringham, Norfolk, also called on The Queen to break with tradition and invite Miss Middleton to spend Christmas with the Royal Family.

Mrs Relph, 76, of Shouldham, Norfolk, regularly presents members of the Royal Family with flowers when they make public appearances in East Anglia.

“It’s wonderful news,” she said. “But I hope they don’t turn her into another Diana. The press really hounded Diana and I wouldn’t like to see that happen again
But Mrs Relph said she hoped Miss Middleton would join the Royal Family in Sandringham at Christmas and attend church on the estate on Christmas Day.

“Normally only family members attend the Christmas Day service at Sandringham,” she added.

“But it would be lovely if they broke with tradition and invited Kate Middleton. People would be thrilled to see her attending the Christmas Day church service with William.”

Beautiful Butterflies Wallpapers

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Beautiful Butterflies Wallpapers
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Beautiful Butterflies Wallpapers
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Beautiful Butterflies Wallpapers
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Beautiful Butterflies Wallpapers
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Beautiful Butterflies Wallpapers
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Beautiful Butterflies Wallpapers

Awesome Spring Flowers

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Awesome Spring Flowers
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Awesome Spring Flowers
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Awesome Spring Flowers
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Awesome Spring Flowers
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Awesome Spring Flowers
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Awesome Spring Flowers

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