Sunday, April 5, 2009

Opinions Of Big Black Basketball Playing Men

I know Jay Bruce will be swinging a Louisville Slugger on my television screen in fifteen hours -- and thems words leave me grinning ear to ear -- but that's not what's on my mind mind at the moment.

So, Brad, what's on your mind at the moment?

Well, I'll tell you, good friend, because my mind can't stop thinking about the following two items...

1. Stanley Robinson, UConn's junior small forward, has driven me to the brink of insanity for the past three seasons. But he's been one of the nation's five best players over the past three weeks, and I'm now driving the Stanley Robinson Bandwagon. Why the change of heart? Well, because he's been playing out of position. His jaw-dropping athleticism (as seen at the 1:38 mark of this video) might suggest he's a small forward, and he certainly can defend that position at the next level, but I'm sure of one thing: Stanley Robinson is a power forward in the NBA. And if he brings consistent energy and effort the way he did in the NCAA tournament, you're now looking at a legitimate game-changer (on both sides of the court) if he plays in an up-tempo system. And yeah, yeah, similar things were written about Kwame Brown, Chris Wilcox, Hakim Warrick, etc., but I'm getting a different vibe from him.

I'll do you one better: Stanley Robinson, currently projected by Draft Express as an early second-round pick of the 2010 draft, will be a better pro than Arizona junior PF Jordan Hill (Draft Express's No. 3 overall player in the 2009 draft). And yes I'm taking bets via email.

Way more importantly...

2. It's possible you haven't been following the the Memphis Grizzly Bears over the past month. Maybe not. Regardless, I bet a shit ton of American dollars on them at the start of the year to win more than 22.5 games. Well, after several recent miracles -- like winning five out of six games -- my Grizzly Bears now sit on 22 wins with six games to go. This, boys and girls, makes me far excited'r than a Volquez changeup ever could.

Say a little prayer for me tonight, and every night until the Grizzly Bears pay off my credit cards.

Final note: I'm bartending all day tomorrow at Lodge Bar (7th St, downtown Cincinnati, between Vine and Walnut). We open at 10 a.m. and close when we close. I'll be there all damn day. Come see me and tip generously. I'll be the tall moron in a red shirt.

-Brad Spieser (

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