Thursday, November 9, 2006

You Might Want to Rephrase That

Manchester City's Joey Barton was recently fined for mooning fans of Everton after a game on September 30th. Apparently, he feels he's being treated unjustly and described the incident as thus...

"I was fined for a little bit of tongue-in-cheek behaviour," he said.

Um, that's gross. But to each his own.

In other soccer news, a rumor that Freddy Adu would receive a tryout with Manchester United was quickly squashed by the club. While ManU's response was respectful and professional, you could almost hear the club's higher-ups snickering all the way across the Atlantic. Honestly, Adu would receive as much action with ManU as I would.

Hell, Demarcus Beasley was one of MLS's biggest stars when he left for Europe and is currently in what should be the prime years of his career and he can't get on the field with much less powerful Manchester City. So the idea of a teenage Adu, who has yet to find his niche for a DC United club that stuggled horrendously in the second half of the season, finding minutes with the current Premiership leaders, or even its reserve side, is beyond absurd.

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