Saturday, February 28, 2009

Saturday Vickers


Cleveland State (+7) at Butler

College Cavs (+6.5) vs. Wake

Red Raiders (+9.5) vs. Blake Griffin suffered a concussion from a love tap

Hokies (+5.5) vs. Duke is Duke

Purdue (-9.5) vs. Ohio State

Temple (+3) at Dayton, Ohio

Okie State (-1.5) vs. Longhorns

San Dog (+9.5) vs. Gonzorga

The Hall (+10) vs. Pitt

TCU (+4) vs.San Dog State

Wazzu (+1.5) vs. Sun Devils


Sixers (+2) vs. Madge

Tennessee Grizzly Bears (-7.5) vs. Thunder

Bulls (+1) vs. Rockets

This computer sucks

-Brad Spieser

Friday, February 27, 2009

I Still Miss Bob Huggins

I don't like watching important sporting contests in bars, but that's precisely what I did last night for the UC-WVU match. There are two reasons I try to avoid the bar for big games: First, it's impossible to watch (and analyze) every single possession the way you can on your couch. Second, I'm a celebratory drinker----and if my team loses a heartbreaker, well, I'm a miserable bastard all night. But there's a flipside to that coin: if my team wins, there's a better-than-decent chance I'll buy you a shot of something delicious.

Last night, I bought shots.

But before I tackle the what-does-it-all-mean-for-UC's-tourney-chances question, I must first comment on the return of Coach Higgs. And by "the return of Coach Higgs," I mean the tear-jerking one-minute video tribute to Bob Huggins that I finally watched a few minutes ago.

Listen, I've noted on several occasions that it's not difficult for me to be moved to tears. Whether it's the Jimmy V speech, certain scenes of Father of the Bride or Apollo 13 or whatever...I can lose it with ease. And I'm okay with that. It's good to have your emotions moved to tears, you know? Sure, it makes me a homo, but I can't help it.

As noted, the aforementioned video tribute lasts only sixty seconds, but I would've watched for six million -- and I would've cried the whole way through. Sometimes I forget how much those early Huggins teams meant to me (I was nine when he came to town). They busted their ass on every play and it was obvious to anyone with eyeballs that every player on the roster would've laid down in traffic for the man (as I've often joked I would).

Anyway, I just finished another brief crying session. And why? Because I feel an insanely close connection to a complete stranger who excelled at teaching young black kids almost two decades ago. Think about that. It reminds me of maybe the best line (although it's not spoken) from Stand By Me: "I never had better friends than the friends I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?"

Truer words have never been spoken (or in the case of Stand By Me, written).

Mick Cronin might win the next twenty national titles, but he'll never be Bob Huggins -- he entered my life too late.

Okay, okay, here's the video...

I'll put UC's win in perspective tomorrow; I really didn't plan on getting emotional and going Gordy Lachance on you. My apologies.


Only because I have to, here are tonight's Vickers...

Timberwolfs (+4.5) vs. Blaze
Mavs (-9) vs. Durant
Nuggs (+2.5) vs. Lakers
Canada Dinosaurs (+5.5) at PHX
Spurs (+1.5) vs. Pro Cavs
Bobs (pick) at Warriors

Yesterday: 4-3
Overall: 370-315-18

-Brad Spieser (

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Coach Higgins Is Back In Town. Perhaps You've Heard

1. A new podcast is posted. You're might be listening to it right now. It's titled "Hair Products And The Legitimacy Of Jesus," but you probably already knew that. It's slightly better than non-terrible. We discuss, among other things, hair products and the legitimacy of Jesus. You might want to listen.

2. Huggs comes back tonight. I would lay down in traffic for the man. Tonight could be difficult. As of now, I'm far too emotional to write anything coherent. I will try to put this in perspective tomorrow.

3. Mo Egger posted video of his favorite Bearcat win on his blog today. He chose the 2002 victory over Memphis. Solid win----Steve Logan adds to his legacy (or whatever)----but nowhere near the best Bearcat win of the Huggs era. I mean, did you watch the '98 Great Alaska Shootout? Anyway, because I don't want to complete bite his gimmick, here's video of one of the worst losses of the Huggs era...the '97 second-round tourney loss to Iowa State.

In this video you will get to see (a.) a relatively skinny Bob Huggins, (b.) Darnell Burton, (c.) Darnell Burton being tackled at the most critical moment of the game, the referees reacting to said on-court assault by whistling Burton for a travelling violation and (e.)Brad Spieser throwing a remote control.


But seriously, I always think about stuff like, would Huggs still be here if they won the Iowa State game? Ditto for the Jarrod West game, or even his last game against Kentucky University, when Jihad Muhammed decided to miss about 75 shots in the last five minutes. Questions, man. Questions.

By the way, I'm predicting a UC loss tonight...and they'll struggle to crack 50 points.

Thursday Vickers...


Flyin' Illini (-8) vs. Gold Gophers

St. Joey (+3.5) vs. Muskies

College Cavs (3.5) vs. Hurricanes

UAB Blazers (+4) vs. Memphis State

Wazzu (-2.5) vs. Zona

Steve Nash (+10) vs. Gonzorga


Rockets (+3.5) vs. LeBron James

Yesterday: 2-6
Overall: 366-312-18

-Brad Spieser (

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I Might Not Be The World's Biggest Nick Van Exel Fan

The subject line read, "Nick Van Exel game tapes."

I sobered right up. Here is what a complete stranger sent me recently:


I notices on a recent blog about Yancy Gates that your a huge Van Exel fan. I also am a huge Nick fan and have 68 Van Exel games on DVD. I am writing this email to see if you would potentially like to trade games as im always looking for Nick games I dont have or if you would be interested in selling copies of games I want to me, im willing to pay very nicely. I have a 200 plus NBA dvd collection of all sorts of games, a 2 hr highlight dvd on Nick i made from highlights shown on NBA action, sports centre, just various places. I am also desperately looking for the Van Exel Beyond the Glory episode aired in 03.

please email back and if interested ill send you the list of the games I have.


Brad D******* (huge Cats and Nick fan)

Now, forgive the various typographical and grammatical errors and focus on the greater meaning: THERE'S A CHANCE I MIGHT NOT BE THE BIGGEST PSYCHO ON THE PLANET!

And really, I'll be upset if that's true. But it might be. I've had semi-regular email correspondence (to verify I'm not being messed with by a buddy) with this lunatic since his initial email (aka intimidation tactic), and I can tell you with absolute certainty: I might not be the biggest Nick Van Exel fan on the planet.

Now, would I bet against myself in a Nick Van Exel trivia contest? Hell no. I say the following line knowing full well what a homo I sound like: I always just assumed I was the biggest Van Exel fan around, to the point where I'd be shocked if anyone, anywhere knew more about the man than I did. But that might not be the case, and that kind of bums me out.

Will I send this dude my Van Exel game tapes? Sure. I'll do anything for someone who was as moved as I was by one of the NBA's all-time underrated (and under-appreciated) players. But something doesn't feel right about it.

I'll keep you posted.

Wednesday's Vickers...


Indiana (+4.5)
vs. Northwestern

Marquette Warriors (+2) vs. UConnecticut

Blue Demons (+13) vs. Supernova

Terps (+6) vs. Duke is Duke

Davidson (-25) vs. NC Greensboro


Wiz (+4.5) vs. Sixers

Knickerbockers (+3) vs. Magic

Clips (+9) vs. Celtics

Yesterday: 3-4
Overall: 364-306-18

-Brad Spieser (

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Emmitt Smith Once Described Someone As "Long In The Teeth"

"Certainly our most intriguing play of the game, presented by Geico."

How much does it suck that Marv Albert had those exact words to say as the officials were determining whether Devin Harris got the ball off in time?

And while were on the topic of legends of the broadcasting game, it might sadden you to find out that Emmitt Smith's television career is over. Something called Shutdown Corner had a brief write-up about this, as well as a hilarious compilation video highlighting Smith's mastery of the English language:

Tuesday Vickers...

Friars (+8.5) vs. It's Pittsburgh, not Pitt

St. Jonathons (+4.5) at The Cuse

Iowa State (+2.5) vs. Baylor Bears

Thunder (+8) vs. Lakers

Bulls (+2) vs. Magic

Mavs (+5) vs. Spurs

Bobcats (+7) at PHX

Yesterday: 1-1
Overall: 361-302-18

-Brad Spieser (is gonna be late for work)

Monday, February 23, 2009

Evaluating Chris Wells And Other Buckeye Draft Hopefuls

I haven't been watching much of the combine, but I've kept up with it a little bit. As always, I have particular interest in Ohio State players. With the draft fast approaching, I thought it was time for me to break down the noteworthy draft-eligible Bucks. Here goes nothing...

QB Todd Boeckman: I wouldn't touch him in a fifty-round draft. Or, for that matter, a 7 billion-round draft.

DT Nader Abdallah: Ditto. The guy has worlds of ability, but waited four-and-a-half years to apply himself. No thank you.

RB Maurice Wells: You might laugh at his name being on this list, but let's not forget that, as of mid-season, he was considered a late-round possibility because of his supposed versatility. What was rarely mentioned was that he was terrible and wouldn't have started at Akron (or Kent, or wherever). Math: No vision + no balance + zero career broken tackles = undrafted free agent who doesn't make it through mini camp.

OT Alex Boone: Maybe the all-time most overrated Buckeye. Came in with a ton of hype, was handed a starting job early and never once did he make you think, "Well, at least they have Boone protecting the QB's blind side." In fact, if you're anything like me, you probably wondered how a guy with (allegedly) high-end athletic ability was constantly whiffing on speed rushers coming off the edge. I never felt like he gave a crap about football.

CB Donald Washington: Buckeye homers bash the guy for coming out instead of playing his senior year, and while he should have returned to Columbus it doesn't change the fact that he's an immensely talented corner, and one of the true sleepers in this draft. Washington could be out of the league in three years -- the knucklehead factor -- but he could also be a month removed from playing in his second Pro Bowl. Getting this guy in the third round would be a steal.

WR Brian Robiskie: Seems destined to be a No. 4 wide receiver who catches 18 balls a season----all of them going for first downs. I haven't seen his combine results, other than an impressive 37-inch vertical leap, but even if he runs a fast forty I'm not buying it; the guy can't get separation from anyone. Pros: Good guy; likable; smart; dependable. Cons: Slow; not fast; lacks quickness

WR Brian Hartline: This man is turning heads at the combine and I might be the only person (other than maybe his teammates) who isn't surprised. He came out early, which was stupid (although he appeared to have a shaky relationship with Tressel, so maybe that contributed to his departure), but he's always been the more talented (in terms of raw athleticism) of the Brians, and the better bet to make a mark at the next level. Should he be drafted higher than the fifth round? Hell no. Is there a chance he could carve out a Darnay Scott-type career? You betcha.

LB Marcus Freeman: Destined to be a special teamer. But...similar to the Hartline-could-be-better-than-Robiskie-in-the-NFL argument, Freeman has a chance to be a better pro than James Laurinaitis, simply because of his athleticism. Now, I don't think it will happen (mostly because he was never very good), but it could. Just saying.

Now for the big guns...

LB James Laurinaitis: I get tired just looking at his name. Hell, thinking about him puts me to sleep. He was really productive, but I was never blown away by his performance. I can't remember a single time when he altered the course of a game with a monster hit or shocked you with a display of athleticism the way Katzenmoyer, Hawk or Carpenter did. He does a lot of things solidly, but none of them remarkably. That he is slipping to the middle of second round in mock drafts shouldn't come as a surprise. If you're a GM on draft day, yes better be the only answer to the following question regarding your first round pick: "Is he talented enough to play in a Pro Bowl?" With Laurinaitis, it's unequivocally no. Sorry.

CB Malcolm Jenkins: This dude is awesome, although I can't really pinpoint one area where he leaps off the page. The following piece of information might shock you, but I haven't spoken to Jim Tressel in a while (and by "a while," I mean never)...but if I did, I'm sure he would tell me that Jenkins is among the smartest players he's ever coached. He is always -- always -- in the right place. And he's so smooth with everything he does. There is some debate about whether he's a pure corner or more of a ball-hawking safety, and that's understandable: while he was certainly a stand-out corner, he was beat deep more than you'd like from a top-ten pick at that position. However, you put him in the middle of the field -- flanked by a concussion-producing strong safety -- and you're defense gets a lot better overnight.

RB Chris Wells: Aside from Connor Barwin, who's ripping up the combine, Wells might be the most interesting of all draft prspects. From the time the ball is snapped until the whistle blows, I've never been more in love with a running back. The man is perfect. Absolutely perfect. His combination of feet, vision, balance, strength and quickness-through-the-hole is as good as I've ever seen. Hell, I'd go so far to say that he has a tad more natural ability than Adrian Peterson----the only thing separating Peterson is the legitimate sprinter speed. But even if you think that statement is ludicrous, and before we shine a light on the obvious question marks surrounding Wells, I'd like you to focus on three short videos that point to No. 28's unique skill set.

The first comes from his freshman year versus Michigan:

If this were the only run of his career longer than two inches he'd still get drafted; that's how impressive this play was. First, anyone who plays basketball will be able to tell you that a reverse pivot (which is precisely what Wells did immediately after being handed the ball), for a right-hander (which I'm assuming he is), is much harder than spinning the other way. The left foot will always be the dominant foot for both leaping and planting/spinning. That's just the way it is. And to think that Wells, at 235 lbs., could not only avoid the oncoming tackler with a usually-awkward spin and turn his back to the play, but instantly get up to top speed and break through the front seven is nothing short of amazing. He ran a 4.59 forty at the combine, but I'd bet his first ten or fifteen were off the charts.

The second video is a collection of straight-arm clips:

The sheer power of a Wells stiff arm isn't the most impressive aspect of this video, it's his impeccable balance. Remember how Ki-Jana Carter would go down like a ton of bicks if his feet got tangled up a little bit? Well, that never happens with Wells. And he anticipates the contact perfectly and positions his body accordingly, to the point that he's rarely knocked even slightly off balance. I mean, watch the video over...sure, he's a big strong man and everything, but he throws guys out of the way with ease and almost always maintains his stride and speed.

The third video is one of those shaky, shot-from-a-camcorder videos, but don't let that screw you up. It's his 65-yard TD vs. LSU in the '07 championship game:

Unlike most of his long runs, in this one he showed top-end speed in yards 40 through 60. And he did it against a lightning-fast LSU defense. But that's not what causes me to faint every time I watch this video. When you watch the first fifteen yards of the run, Wells looks like Darren Sproles out there. Seriously, go watch it again and tell me if he looks like a 235-lb. bruiser or a 170-lb. scatback. His feet are truly remarkable. The choppy steps through the hole and the subtle cut outside that allowed him to maintain speed are jaw-dropping, especially when you consider his size.

Knowshown Moreno and LeSean McCoy (aka "LeBlack McBlack") are really nice players, but neither approach Chris Wells in terms of natural running ability. And I will push you down the steps if you disagree with me.

Of course, Wells might not hear his name called on draft day before Moreno and McBlack. The reason: Durability concerns. Well, that's what the experts say. To me, it's Will his act fly in the NFL?

I'll explain that in a second. Before that, let's briefly examine the three most publicized injuries from his three-year Buckeye career:

1. Broken wrist, 2007. I ask you, should a broken wrist be in the same category as nagging hamstring and groin problems? I say no. And plus, it's not like he was merely pretty good in '07...he was -- simply my opinion here -- the best RB in the entire country----better than Darren McFadden and Felix Jones, better than Mendenhall, better than all of 'em. Regardless, he was tremendously productive, never really missed significant time and carried an unworthy (in terms of talent) squad to the title game.

2. Non-contact toe injury, 2008. I don't know what to make of this. It reminded me of so many ACL tears, where the guy plants his foot and crashes to Earth. It was bizarre more than anything. But does that mean he's injury prone? Maybe, I do we know? But once it happened the "injury prone" label officially stuck to him, but I think it's unfair, and kind of a subconscious mistake (I'll explain in a minute).

3. Concussion, Orange Bowl vs. Texas, 2009. To the best of my knowledge, Wells had never suffered a concussion prior to this. But he picked the worst time to get one----especially since it was just a mild concussion and he seemed fine on the sideline. I know I've defended the guy a lot, but how can anyone knock a guy for not playing the rest of the game with a concussion? Chris Wells always played hard. Always.

After the whistle, however, was a whole other story...

Listen, I think the man's durability concerns are legit (as are his pass-catching abilities, which I failed to mention), although I really think he just suffered some fluky injuries that don't prove whether he's injury prone or not. The whole issue with Wells is why does he act like a baby after being tackled? It was often said that Jim Brown played possum and limped back to every huddle; let me assure you, Chris Wells has played possum about as many times as I've had unprotected intercourse with Serena Williams.

I still don't get it. After every one of his carries (minus the TDs and plays he ran out of bounds), Wells would never pop right up: he'd stay on the ground for an extra few seconds, get helped by a teammate and limp back to the huddle or (far too regularly) the sideline. The crazy thing is that he'd run just as hard the next play or jog back to the huddle after taking one play off. I'm sure he was in pain -- after all, football hurts -- but there's no room for that behavior in the NFL. Can you imagine Wells playing for the Ravens next year? Do you have any idea how Ray Lewis would react towards Wells in practice if he stayed on the ground an extra second or constantly limped off the field? It'd be a full-fledged riot. There's no room for soft in the NFL, and while Wells is 100 percent MAN from snap to whistle, he acts like a baby way too much.

Which is what I was saying when I suggested it might be a subconscious mistake to suggest he has durability concerns. Aside from a random toe injury, he always played hard (and at a consistently high level.) Saying "ouch, I need to come out," followed by 19 more carries for 145 yards, isn't the same as being injured all the time. I get that it looks like he's injured all the time, but that's not really the case. Since it seems like he's hurt all the time, we question his durability, but the reality is that most of his issues stem from his toughness between plays (which might be a draft first).

So, where should he be drafted? That's the question, Jimmy. My answer: I really don't know. On talent alone, he's one of the rare running backs who warrant being a top-five selection. But talent's never been the issue with Wells. And at some point, probably starting around the twelfth pick, GMs everywhere are going to start saying things like, "How do we pass this guy up?" and "Can we really justify taking Moreno over Wells?" Draft day will be interesting.

Maybe he's injury prone, and maybe he'll always limp back to the huddle (or sideline), but maybe not----maybe he can change his ways and silence the doubters. Or maybe Wells will be the exact same guy he's always been (i.e., superstar numbers, questionable pain tolerance) and be accepted in the locker room because of his obvious ability. Who the hell knows? But I can't wait to find out.

Either way, I'm rooting for Wells.

***End of Ohio State discussion***

Maybe I'm a little late to the party here, but did you see the video of draft prospect Jarron Gilbert leaping out of the shallow end of a pool onto the ledge surrounding it? This is unbelievable. I hope you're sitting down, boys and girls...

If I were that dude, I wouldn't even bother using pick-up lines on the ladies, I'd simply show them video of me jumping out of pool.

That is all.

Actually, let's bang out the


Georgetown (+1.5)
vs. The 'Ville


Sacto (+8.5)
vs. Chris Paul plays sports!

Yesterday: 4-2
Overall: 360-301-18

-Brad Spieser (

Sunday, February 22, 2009

In Memory Of Mr. Jenkins

Fact: It is 10:00 p.m. EST.

Fact: I ate breakfast at Bob Evans this morning.

Fact: I socialized for several hours at a downtown bar and grill this afternoon.

Fact: I ate a meal at Skyline this evening.

Fact: I've yet to brush my teeth today.

Request: Don't judge me.

In unrelated news, our new podcast, "Craig Celebrated The Death Of His 4th Grade Teacher," is funnier than anything you'll hear on radio today. I guess what I'm trying to say is (a.) give it a listen and (b.) don't be afraid to spread the good word about this very decent website.

That is all.

-Brad Spieser (

Sunday Vickers


Rambling Wreck (+7)
vs. Clemson

Duke is Duke (-7) vs. Skip Prosser is still dead

Sun Devils (-7.5) vs. Zona


Canada Dinosaurs (-3.5)
vs. Knicks

Bucks (+3.5) vs. Nuggets

Timberwolfs (+9.5) vs. Lakers

Yesterday: 5-6

-Brad Spieser (

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Vegas Gives The Bearcats A Chance To Win; Vickers Agrees!


Buffs (+12)
vs. Mizzou

Bearcats (+5) vs. Louisville

G'Town (-3.5) vs. Marquette Warriors

Maryland (+12) vs. Tar Heels

UTEP (+9) vs. Memphis State

Texas Tech (+1) vs. Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas

Texas (-1) How the shit is Oklahoma an underdog?

Gonzorga (-29.5) vs. Remember earlier this decade, when Pepperdine was good?

Davidson (-4.5) vs. Butler Butts


Wiz (+7.5)
vs. Spurs

G-State (-7.5) vs. Kevin Durant

Yesterday: 0-4
Overall: 351-293-18

-Brad Spieser (

Friday, February 20, 2009

Plenty Of Seats Aboard The Vickers Bandwagon

At some point -- and I know I've said this point before -- Vegas is going to take notice of the Brian Vickers System. For those keeping score at home we posted a 6-1 record yesterday, and we gots more goodness for you'se guys tonight...


Bobcats (+2)
vs. Dwight Howard's shoulders

Canada Dinosaurs (+3) at Knickerbockers

Bucks (+7.5) vs. Cavs

Hawks (+4.5) at Blaze

Yesterday: 6-1
Overall: 351-289-18

-Brad Spieser (

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Was Your Mom In Love With The Boss?

Craig and I didn't have similar upbringings; this much has been documented 350 times on previous podcasts. But No. 351, which can be heard in "Believing In God And Ghosts," takes the cake. I don't want to spoil anything but it involves drinking and driving and trying to meet Bruce Springsteen. It's impossible not to think it's funny. And, of course, it's completely honest----which distinguishes our podcast from nearly every other radio program on the planet. But anyway, it's good. And I'm homiciding your face off if you don't listen.

Thursday's Vickers...


49ers (+6.5)
vs. Muskies

St. Jonathons (+13) vs. Duke is Duke

Gonzorga (-34) vs. Hank Gathers hasn't taken a breath in almost twenty years

Barack Obama's Thanksgiving tablemate (+4) Cardinal of Stanford

Bruins (-8.5) vs. Warshington


Pistons (+1)
vs. Spurs

Salt Lake City Jazz Music (+1.5) vs. Celtics

Yesterday: 6-4
Overall: 345-288-18

-Brad Spieser (

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Annoying Movie Scene: Summer Catch (With J. Biel In Underpants!)

Once upon a time -- way back in 2001 -- I interned for Ken Broo's mostly unlistenable radio program on 1160 BOB, and even contributed weekly as a movie reviewer. Let me tell you, boys and girls, as bad as it sounds, I assure you it was worse. And trust me, none of this was Broo's fault----I was simply that bad. I tried to give an honest review of garbage movies (instead of goofing on the situation), and when I tried to be funny Broo had no idea what I was going for. All in all, it was dreadful experience, and probably the low light of my on-air career.

But anyway, I once reviewed Summer Catch, the not-completely-terrible baseball movie starring Fredrick Prinze the ninth and my future intercourse slave, Jessica Biel. And when I gave my review that day (presumably in the summer) I didn't mention the most annoying scene in the film, probably because the annoying secene in question follows up some real horny shit.

Scene set: Biel, the rich girl in town, and Prinze, the lawn boy/baseball prodigy/knucklehead, decide to swim in the rain at her giant house in her giant pool. (Important note: Biel enters the pool wearing a tight baby blue T-shirt and her navy blue underpants.). Anyway, right as the French kissing is about to get underway, Biel's rich, disapproving prick of a father interrupts and both Prinze and Biel have to flee the scene. Especially Prinz, who runs around the front of the house, past a driveway full of expensive cars.

Here's where I start to lose my mind...

Prinze sets off a car alarm in a physical act that makes absolutely no sense. I mean, none it all. You'll have to watch for yourself, but it won't be difficult to see. I'm guessing the director wanted Prinze to make it seem like he just bumped into the car (which would've added to the chaos of the moment), but that is the furthest thing from actually transpired. Prinze runs up to the car, presses on the trunk and the alarm doesn't sound. I'm guessing this is about the time when the director (who probably has a name) gave the old "keep it rolling" motion, because Prinze's response was simply to apply even more pressure to the trunk, because, you know, that's precisely what one would do if he were running for his life in his boxers.

Okay, so there you have it. Now it's time to watch the video. I'd say to start viewing at the 2:00 mark, but I know better: Ms. Jessica Biel Spieser is swimming in the two minutes leading up to Prinze's mad dash, plus you hate your life, and, well, did I mention Jessica Biel is in her underwear? Enjoy (and forgive -- or simply ignore -- the Japanese dubbing)...

-Brad Spieser (

Wagering On (Mostly) Black Basketball Players And Whatnot!

I have one of the all time unrealistic movie scenes on the way. But I just got my hair did, which came on the heels of a full work day, and now I gots to play basketball at a YMCA in one of Cincinnati's seediest neighborhoods, but before I leave I must wash the hair off my neck----this is of course because a brother gotta feel good to play good.

Anyhow, I will post the newness tonight when I return from my American basketball contest. Until then, enjoy the magical ride presented to you by Lord Brian, who continues to turn the gambling world upside down (highlighted by last night's 5-1 record)...


Temple (-26)
vs. Fordham Rams (ham and ram rhyme)

Southern Florida Bulls of Florida (+5.5) vs. Hoya Paranoia

Huggins (-9.5) vs. Luke Harangody is (a.) a selfish player and will (b.) suck in the NBA.

The 'Ville (-14) vs. Providence College (Why does everyone say "BC" for Boston College but never "PC" for Providence?)

Wisc-Mil (+5.5) vs. Butler Butts

Virginia (pick em) vs. Did we ever figure out why Huggs hated Seth Greenberg?

Northwestern (-1.5) vs. Buckeyes


Canada Dinosaurs (+7.5)
vs. LeBron James weighs 275 lbs.

Philly (+1) vs. Nuggs

G-State (+5) vs. Lakers

Yesterday: 5-1
Overall: 339-284-18

-Brad Spieser (

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

laziest post in days (and maybe weeks)


Purdue (-2.5) vs. Izzo

Vandy (+1.5) vs. Kentucky University


Bobcats (+8.5
) at Magic

Knicks (+4) vs. Spurs

Thunder (+3.5) vs. Horny

Hawks (+8.5) at Lakers

Yesterday: 1-0
Overall: 334-283-18

-Brad is my name (my name is Brad)

Monday, February 16, 2009

Was Jeff Reed Justified?

Let's say you're a germ freak (like me), and let's say -- out of desperation -- you're forced to make a toilet at a convenience store. Disgusting, right? Well, not nearly as disgusting as the convenience store bathroom not having any paper towels (or one of those bullshit blowers) to dry your hands. So, now, after relieving yourself and washing your hands, you're forced to open a convenience store bathroom door with your wet hands.

Was Jeff Reed's tantrum triggered by the above scenario? Probably not. But if that's what happened, I gots Jeff Reed's back, yo!

One other thing before moving forward with the almighty Vickers: The Painted Area had a great post today (by way of Sports Illustrated) about the story behind Fernando Martin, the legendary Spanish player honored by Rudy Fernandez in the dunk contest. Please read it; it's short and I guarantee goosebumps.

Monday's pick, with aid from the Brian Vickers System...

Texas A & M Aggies from the state of Texas (+2) vs. Texas Longhorns from the state of Texas

Yesterday: 1-0
Overall: 333-283-18

-Brad Spieser (

I'll Say It Again...Pitt Isn't Good Enough To Cut Down The Nets

Five things...

1. Pitt easily handled the Bearcats on Saturday----as expected. And just like last year, I'm here to tell you that Pitt, despite a 23-2 record and a top five ranking (including No. 1 in the RPI) has no shot -- NO SHOT -- of cutting down the nets in March. I repeat: Your 2009 NCAA men's basketball champion will not be the Pittsburgh Panthers. The reason? Talent----or lack thereof.

Sam Young is a nice player, but it's not like he can give you an easy thirty.

DeJuan Blair is an animal, and probably not getting the recognition he deserves, but I can't remember the last time a 6'7 post player was the centerpiece of a championship squad.

And even though Levance Fields (aka "eighth-year senior") might be the headiest black point guard of the past nineteen years, he still gets swallowed whole by teams with bigger, more athletic point guards (i.e., dudes generally playing for teams who make deep runs in the tourney). Don't get me wrong, he's an easy guy to root for, but that doesn't mean he's good enough to lead a marginally talented, overachieving bunch to six consecutive wins in March.

Don't ever forget: High-end talent (more than coaching, hustle and luck) remains more important than anything when it comes to March victories...I don't care what Dick Vitale says.

2. Charles Barkley wasn't a part of All Star weekend, and it was difficult to watch. He will, supposedly, return to his post at TNT on Thursday. If that's not appointment television I don't know what is.

3. Am I currently reading an Andre the Giant biography? Yep. Was it the impulse buy of all impulse buys? No doubt. Do I feel like an idiot for spending free time with it? Sometimes. Will I apologize for learning of classic tales involving the likes of Ted Dibiase, Don Muraco, Big John Studd, et al.? Never.

4. Morgan Freeman was in a 1987 film titled Street Smart, and his performance was so outstanding that he was nominated for an Academy Award. This is not interesting to me, as I've never seen the movie and didn't know it existed until three hours ago. What is interesting to me, or at least funny, is that his character in Street Smart was simply known as Fast Black (see for yourself). I hope this doesn't confuse future movie-goers when they're watching Fast Black: The Adrian Peterson Story (narrated by Morgan Freeman).

5. My favorite Rolling Stones song is "I Am Waiting." Enjoy...

-Brad Spieser (

We're Huge Fans Of Cute Boys And Talented Blacks

Ten things -- most of them questions -- discussed in our latest podcast, "We're Huge Fans Of Cute Boys And Talented Blacks."

(Note: Once again Craig and I go way past the line of tasteful humor, but that doesn't mean it's not funny. Anyway...)

1. Quick, who was the more attractive Arizona Cardinals QB in 2008----Kurt Warner or Matt Leinart? Our answer may surprise you.

2. Kurt Warner's wife, Brenda, dramatically improved her appearance over the years, but that doesn't mean she's beautiful, either.

3. Did Brenda Warner have cancer, or was it just Patrick Swayze?

4. Was Patrick Swayze good looking when he was good looking? What about John Travolta?

5. Do you think skilled dancers receive fellatio more than anyone else on the planet?

6. If you claim to be a straight male -- and you don't think a 24-year-old Tom Cruise was devilishly handsome -- my only conclusion is that you're a gay guy.

7. Jamie Foxx is overrated (Warning: You may not want to listen to this section at work.)

8. Who's at the top of your list of handsome black athletes? Troy Smith? Dwight Howard? Reggie Bush?

9. Have you ever seen your mom naked? Don't lie.

10. When Craig was ten, his 15-year-old babysitter was playing her role as the town whore (just ask his cousins and uncles). This all happened while she was (supposed to be) watching Craig and his brothers.

That is all. Now have yourself a listen...

-Brad Spieser (

Sunday, February 15, 2009

sunday is a day in the week

Don't look now, but the Vickers is doing things.

Today's pick...

Miami (+8) vs. Tar Heels

Yesterday: 8-3
Overall: 332-283-18

Saturday, February 14, 2009

knute rockne

Saturday's Vickers...

Seton Hall (+9.5) vs. UConnecticut

Arkansas (+4.5) vs. Kentucky University

Colorado (+11) vs. Texas

Georgia (+10) vs. Gators

Kansas State (+1.5) vs. Kansas

Xavier (-29) vs. Fordham

Iowa (+4.5) vs. Purdue

South Mississippi (+12.5) vs. Memphis

Central Florida (+1.5) vs. Tulsa

San Francisco (+17) vs. Gonzorga

Furman Purple Paladons (+18.5) vs. Dave Davidson

Yesterday: 1-1
Overall: 324-280-18

-Brad Spieser (

Friday, February 13, 2009

Danica Patrick, Drugs, Baseball, Basketball, Etc.

1. Danica Patrick, despite sporting the meanest of mean faces, possesses a nice butt, and that kind of pisses me off.

2. Think about it: If the Bearcats manage to escape with a victory in the murderer's row that is their next four games (at Pitt, vs. Louisville, vs. Huggins, at the Cuse), they merely have to beat Seton Hall and South Florida to make the Big Dance, and that is more than a little shocking.

3. The smartest piece written about Michael Phelps being photographed sucking on a weed pipe was penned by Dave Hyde of the South Florida Sun-Sentinel. (Note: The white meat can be read on Sons of the Tundra)

4. Milwaukee Bucks PG Ramon Sessions, perhaps a mammal you've heard of, is upsetting me. Just last week he tossed up a 44-point game (on 18 FGAs!), and during the last week of last season, his rookie year, the second-rounder out of Nevada dished out 24 assists in a single contest. So, Brad, why does this upset you? Great question, Jimmy! The reason this upsets me might not make any sense to you, mostly because it doesn't make much sense to me. But here goes: Nick Van Exel's career highs in points and assists are 44 and 23, and I never want to see anyone eclipse those numbers in a game. I am a crazy person.

5. My current Streak For The Cash streak is at six games. Just saying.

6. Paul Daugherty recently had a line about Mick Cronin that reminded me why I'll never approach his level as a writer: "He made playing in the Big East seem like crossing a minefield in a stagecoach." Where does he come up with that stuff?

7. Roy Oswalt is a jackass. Within the same interview, he suggests that A-Rod's numbers should be erased, but he also is giving former teammate Roger Clemens "the benefit of the doubt." Jackass.

8. If I see another mock draft with Kansas State QB Josh Freeman in the middle of the first round I might just blow things up with dynamite. I laughed when the Ravens snagged Kyle Boller and I'll do the same with Freeman. The guy is a bum.

9. The "Don't Listen If You're A Dog Owner Or Parent" podcast is up. Go listen.

10. The Brian Vickers System recently produced a nice little stretch, and now we're sitting at 44 games over .500, with the goal being 100 by the end of the NBA playoffs. Tonight's picks...

Illinois-Chicago (+13) vs. The Butler Butts

Huggins (-4) vs. Champagne Supernova

Yesterday: 4-2
Overall: 323-279-18

-Brad Spieser (

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Don't Listen If You're A Dog Owner Or Parent

The title of this post is also the title of the newest and bestest podcast. It also suggests that I don't want dog owners and parents to listen; in fact, the opposite is true. But I do think a lot of money is wasted on dogs. And I also think that parents spend way too much time, energy and dollars and greeting cards filled with pictures of their four-year-old children. But that's just me...a single, immature, 28-year-old father of none.

SITE UPDATE: The podcast still hasn't loaded----it usually takes three minutes to load and I'm 45 minutes deep and it's still not finished. I can't any longer, though; several Vickers-related games are tipping off and I need to post this sucker to avoid the dreaded "cheater" label.

Thursday's Vickers...


Irish (+3.5) vs. Pitino

Northwestern (+2) vs. Flyin' Illini

St. Mary's (+4.5) vs. Gonzorga

Something Called Wofford (+12.5) vs. Dave Davidson


Mavs (+3.5) vs. Celtics

Warriors (-3.5) vs. Blazers

Yesterday: 8-2
Overall: 319-277-18


Joaquin Phoenix Is My Pick In The 2009 Celebrity Death Pool

Good Fucking Christ, have you seen David Letterman's interview with Joaquin Phoenix? I just heard the audio on Howard Stern and immediately rushed to my computer machine to watch it on (an Internet website); it didn't disappoint. Unless this is an act -- like Sasha Baron Cohen being interviewed as Borat -- this is the most riveting ten minutes in broadcast history.

But before you watch this train wreck (or boat crash) I'd like to reveal that I'm starting a celebrity death pool today----and I get the first pick----and I'm taking River Phoenix's less-talented, more hair-lipped (and more alive) brother, Joaquin (even ahead of Artie Lange!). Not since Rodney Dangerfield crashed the set of Costas Now (sorry, no video) have I been more sure of a celebrity's imminent death. Enjoy...

By the way, I'm going to sound like a moron saying this, but...David Letterman is hysterical -- only Kenny Mayne could have done more with a whacked-out Joaquin Phoenix. (Note: Forgive me for assuming late-night talk shows lacked comedic properties. Besides, it's hard to justify watching network crap when I pay a fortune to watch things like Warriors-Clippers games on NBA League Pass.) Anyway...

-Brad Spieser (

Why Didn't The Reds Bring Back Dunn?

Adam Dunn just signed a two year, $20 million deal with the Washington Nationals. This, I think, redefines reasonable. But it's also somewhat maddening. If two years at ten million a pop is all it takes to lock down 40 HRs, 100 RBI and 100 BBs then why didn't the Reds secure his services (or even consider it)? Look, I wrote a bunch of words back in August basically begging Bob Castellini not to re-sign Dunn, but that was only because I thought it would take a minimum of five years and $60 million to do so. My point was that he would likely be an overpaid disaster for the last two years of his contract, and a small-to-mid-market team like the Redlegs can't take that hit. But his current deal? That's nothing. What's the worst that could happen? I mean, Eric Milton's three-year deal was bad, but at least it was only three years, you know? Ask Giants fans how they feel about having Barry Zito for the next five years...

Maybe the budget didn't have another $10 million available, or maybe they just wanted to move forward without Ol' Dunner, but I find it hard to believe that his stick wouldn't improve a lineup comprised of eight question marks (I'm looking right at you, Brandon Phillips).

End of words.

-Brad Spieser (

Unrealistic Movie Scene (Scream)

Way back when I was fifteen I saw Scream seven times (in less than three weeks!) at various Cincinnati movie theaters. I didn't necessarily think it was great, but I absolutely loved it, if that makes any sense. I still do, actually----for the same reason you might love Red Dawn or Perfect Strangers or Bananarama or some other form of pop culture that went down when you still had your head up your ass. Feeling nostalgic can be dangerous, but it's really out of our control; that being the case, I'm not going to apologize for loving a semi-terrible movie from 1996. Because, goddamn, it makes me feel nostalgic.

But anyway, I realized two things after about the third viewing of Scream:

1. Rose McGowan has one of the Top 30 butts in the history of mid-90's horror flicks.

2. Maybe the single most ridiculous scene in horror movie history (granted, I've only seen about nine horror movies) takes place in the first half of the movie.

Focus on point No. 2...

Brief explanation of the the ridiculous scene in question, which is preceded by the details leading up to it in run-on sentence form: City-wide panic had spread as the result of multiple (and obviously related) carefully-plotted murders to high school students and -- during the middle of the afternoon -- hours before every shop would close up for precautionary measures, the teenage girl in town, who is clearly the target of the killer(s), and who has constant police surveillance, strolls into a grocery store with her friend -- again, in the middle of a sunny afternoon, while the town is in a frenzy -- only to be stalked (but not attacked) by a psycho dressed head-to-toe in a black gown and Halloween mask (i.e., precisely the same outfit worn by the town killer).

Enjoy (and start the video at the 1:20 mark -- unless you prefer achieving nostalgic bliss like me. In that case, watch the entire friggin' thing):

-Brad Spieser (

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Every Game Is A Big Game For The Cats

As I sit here excited to listen to UC's game against St. Johns, I want to remind you that a win is not guaranteed. And the same goes for upcoming matches versus Seton Hall and South Florida (presumed wins for those who have rejoined the bandwagon). I know they should win tonight -- and I'm expecting just that -- but these guys still can't score. At all. Their margin for error is somewhere between minuscule and nonexistent. Don't get me wrong, I'm jacked----the second half at Georgetown (against a desperate -- and more talented -- Hoya team) finally had me buying the "Bubble" talk and checking the remaining schedule, but I'm realistic. The Cats remain short on talent (for Big East standards), and although they're suddenly long on heart, they will need more than a few breaks to hear their name called on Selection Sunday.

Speaking of UC basketball, a current player on the roster, Deonta Vaughn, proved -- with a quote in today's Enquirer -- that it's a maddening experience to cover college and pro athletes for living:

Vaughn said there have been some hard times along the way, especially during that first year when the Bearcats were so overmatched physically. But when asked to name the hardest time, he came up dry.

"I really didn't have no hard times," he said upon further reflection. "I just take it one game at a time and just play. I really don't think a lot about anything being hard times.
What? Does that make any sense? Don't you get the feeling that if Vaughn were asked tomorrow about all the hard times that he'd have no problem rattling off eight or ten specific instances where he considered jumping off a building (and/or transferring)? Athletes are strange, and often times not the brightest people in the room.

Regardless...Go Cats!

Vickers (By the way, I'm guaranteeing at least a 6-4 record tonight -- there are a few truly bizarre odds out there)...


NC State (+6)
vs. Wake Forest

Dayton (+3) vs. Xavier

Tennessee (-16.5) vs. Georgia

Wisconsin (-11) vs. Iowa

Baylor (+3.5) vs. Boomer Sooner

Kansas State (-11.5) vs. Texas Tech


Bobcats (-8) vs. Wizards

Raptors (+6.5) vs. Spus

Jazz (pick 'em) vs. Lakers

Clippers (-5) vs. Knicks

Yesterday: 2-3
Overall: 311-275-18

-Brad Spieser (

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Tuesday Night Vickers

New podcast to be posted later. But for now, this honkey gots to be important places


Michigan (+4)
vs. Michigan State

South Florida (+1) vs. Providence College


Pacers (+6.5)
vs. Cavs

Nets (+4.5) vs. Spurs

Thunder (+12) at Lakers

Yesterday: 3-2
Overall: 309-272-18

-Brad Spieser (

Monday, February 9, 2009

Good Times With Racial Stereotypes!

As you can hear, I've posted a new podcast. As you can see, it's titled "Good Times With Racial Stereotypes." As you might be able to guess, this is probably something you shouldn't listen to at work.

A couple of things...

1. If you get offended by this, you obviously don't understand our sense of humor.

2. If you find this to be funny because you think we're being serious, I kind of don't want you listening.

Then again -- the words did come out of our mouths -- and I've chosen to post them on my very decent website. So, feel free to email me if you gots a problem with it.

Regardless, go listen. And don't be afraid to order a coke with no ice!

-Brad Spieser (

New Podcasts On The Way; My Audience Is Presumably Horny

Craig and I just finished a lengthy podcasting session -- our first in almost six weeks -- and while we had a ton of things to talk about, there's no telling if it'll be worth a shit (there never is). And we did a lot of goofing on racial stereotypes (more than usual) and I'm not sure how it will turn out--I'm hoping for the best, obviously, but we really crossed the line a few times.

Anyway, I have to spend my next three hours listening to myself, with hopes of finding site-worthy material----I should have something posted later. For now, I leave you with Monday's Vickers...


Missouri (-4.5)
vs. Kansas


76ers (-3.5)
vs. Suns

Clippers (+1) at Anybody (including tonight's game in Charlotte)

Tennessee Grizzly Bears (-2) vs. Almost Anybody (including tonight's game versus New Orleans)

Bucks (+6) vs. Rockets

Yesterday: 3-2
Overall: 306-270-18

-Brad Spieser (

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sometimes (Like Right Now) I Want To Be A Dead Person

Witty. Or clever. I'm trying to come up with something witty (or clever) to write, but I gots nothing----sleep deprivation and an ear infection will do that to a person. So will lack of talent, but let's pretend I still have a clue as to what I'm doing here. Anyway, I'm only typing at this moment because I feel obligated to update the ongoing mediocrity of the Brian Vickers System, which is kind of stupid when you think about it. That would be like boasting about a 2.2 GPA or driving 58 MPH on your way to work. Who cares, you know? I mean, I don't want to hear your stories about French kissing overweight, 36-year-old divorced mothers of how is this any different? Essentially what I'm trying to say is...I don't blame you for not caring that I pick Tulane or Tulsa or the Charlotte Hornets to cover an eight-and-a-half point spread. Because I barely care at this point, and neither should you. How's that for optimism?

(Note: Disregard the previous 147 words if Lord Brian gets hot again in the weeks leading up to March Madness)

Anyway, Sunday's picks...


LSU (-12.5)
vs. Alabama)

Stanford (+1) vs. Washington


Thunder (-7)
vs. Kings

Suns (-1) at Pistons

Warriors (-1) vs. Jazz

Yesterday: 6-6
Overall: 303-268-18

Now, if you wouldn't mind leaving me a moment of Brad time, I'm going to spend the next four hours sleeping, which will be immediately followed by a free meal at Skyline (a local chili parlor).

-Brad Spieser (

Saturday, February 7, 2009

I Could Be The Rosa Parks Of My Generation

I gave it another shot last night; once again, I failed to start a revolution.

Setting: Work

Time: 4:00 a.m.

Topic: Sitting down to pee.

The conversation went something like this (joined in mid-conversation)...

Co-worker pal Danny: You sit down to pee? Really?

Me: Yeah. Why wouldn't I? I mean, we're sitting down right now, right? But why? Why aren't we standing? I'll answer this for you: Because sitting is more comfortable than standing! Your gorilla logic suggests we should do everything standing up...eating, sleeping, unprotected intercourse, whatever. Shit, you'd probably stand while you sit if it were possible. Are you seeing my point here, friend-o?

Danny: But dude...

Me: And listen, have you ever had to spill urine in the middle of the night, especially after consuming several glasses of blueberry vodka? Of course you have. And I'm guessing your aim isn't exactly up to Gold Medal standards, either. Which means...what, exactly? That your sorry ass has to clean up a messy toilet because you think it's somehow more manly to pee on your feet.

Danny: I concede that you've made more than a handful of excellent points, Bradley, however I'm against progress: I still think blacks and whites should use separate water fountains and women shouldn't be allowed to vote----thus, I will be in the upright position the next time I make a toilet.

Me: Oh well. Do you still want to listen to the latest Taylor Swift jam together?

Danny: Frickin' A!

-----End of conversation-----

Final point: Listen, this "peeing sitting down" thing has reached the point where not only do I think it's the wise thing to do, I kind of think you're an idiot if you don't. Just remember...sitting is more comfortable than standing.

Anyway, Saturday's picks, with special help from the Brian Vickers System...


Auburn (+3.5)
vs. Tennessee

Duke (-13.5) vs. Miami

Depaul (+15) vs. Pitt

Nebraska (+3.5) vs. Texas

Marshall (-6.5) vs. Tulane

Florida State (+9.5) vs. Clemson

Duquesne (+6.5) vs. Xavier'

Wright State (+2) vs. Butler

Texas Tech (+4.5) vs. Baylor

Oregon State (+8.5) vs. Arizona State

College of Charleston (+17) at Davidson


Bucks (+3.5)
vs. Pistons

Yesterday: 3-3
Overall: 297-262-18

-Brad Spieser (

Friday, February 6, 2009

words (barely)!


South Florida (+9)
vs. Marquette


Pacers (+6.5)
vs. Magic

Knicks (+6.5)
vs. Celtics

Thunder (+6) vs. Blazers

Wizards (+7) vs. Nuggets

Kings (+2.5) vs. Jazz

Yesterday: 3-3-1
Overall: 294-259-18

-Brad Spieser (

Thursday, February 5, 2009

What Do Jeff Kent And Gerald Henderson Have In Common?

Five things...

1. At the age of 29 Jeff Kent was a .274 career hitter with 78 HRs, and now he's a virtual lock for the Hall of Fame. He claims to never have used steroids, and goes so far as to say that he's embarrassed to have played during the steroid era. I'm having trouble believing him (most players peak at age 27). Speaking of fun facts and steroids...

2. Bill Romanowski played a prominent role in Super Bowls XXIII and XXXVII. Speaking of controversial figures...

3. It's looking more and more like Charles Barkley won't be a part of TNT's All Star Saturday broadcast. Words cannot express how sad this makes me. Speaking of blacks...

4. Duke's Gerald Henderson is enjoying a wonderful junior season, but where is the constant mention of his violent 2007 cheap shot to the head of Tyler Hansbrough? I can guarantee you, had Henderson played for Bob Huggins in the mid-90's this story wouldn't go away, nor would the video. Speaking of Coach Huggins...

5. Only twice did I see score updates of Saturday's Louisville-West Virginia contest. First, I saw the Cards were mouth-raping the 'Neers 45-25 at half. Next, I saw the final: Louisville 69, West Virginia 63. I smiled. I wasn't surprised, but I smiled. The reason? Bob Huggins. His teams never lay down. Ever. I'm sure I'm missing a game or two from the past twenty years, but I can only recall one game -- the second round 2004 tourney loss to Illinois -- where his team flat-out quit. Besides that, I'm drawing a blank.

This was fun.

Thursday's Vickers...


I miss John Chaney (+9) at Xavier

Detroit (+11) vs. Butler

Barack Obama's Thanksgiving table mate (+5) vs. Is Lute Olsen still alive?
Wisconsin (-3.5) vs. Flyin' Illini

Oregon (+8.5) vs. James Harden is good

Washington State (+4) vs. Stanford

Portland (+10) vs. Gonzorga

Yesterday: 10-4
Overall: 291-256-17

-Brad Spieser (

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Brad has an earache







Thundering Leftwich+1


College Cavs+1.5






-this is craig

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Tuesday Vickers


Depaul (+12)
vs. Marquette

Kansas (-12) vs. Iowa State


Raptors (+10.5)
vs. Cavs

76ers (+3) vs. Celtics

Yesterday: 2-1-1
Overall: 281-252-17

-Brad Spieser (

Monday, February 2, 2009

Thoughts About The American Super Bowl Match

Six things...

1. Steelers first drive...4th & Goal from the inch-line...and Tomlin sends out his FG unit? Huh? The worst-case scenario sees the Cardinals getting the ball on their own goal line and facing the best defense in football and possessing no running game whatsoever (and a QB who is absolutely not going to sneak it). The Steelers won the game and all, but you have to go for it in that situation.

2. Were you watching the clock right before the two-minute warning in the first half? Karlos Dansby picked off Roethlisberger and was tackled to the Earth with 2:02 remaining...which means...what? A full commercial break, followed by Arizona running one play to bring the game to the two-minute warning, followed by another full commercial break. But that's not how things went down. After about five full seconds the clock mysteriously ticked down to 2:01, hung there for two or three more seconds and ticked down to 2:00. I don't know what the hell happened, but I can guarantee you there were more than a few NBC executives who lost their goddamn minds. The Super Bowl is all about the advertising dollar, and some dickhead clock operator wasted a golden opportunity to make a few white people a lot of coin.

3. When did Larry Fitzgerald become the fastest man in the world?

4. Darnell Dockett's performance in a losing effort was so dominant that it elicited the following text from Craig: "Darnell Blackett." This is actually a pretty big deal. This is akin to Johnny Carson inviting up-and-coming stand-up comedians to come over and sit with him.

5. Santonio Holmes made a nice catch to win the Super Bowl, but everybody should be talking about Ben Roethlisberger's throw----there was no margin for error on that sucker, and placing that ball twelve inches lower might have meant "Interception Cardinals. Game Over. Roethlisberger hangs himself." Ballsy throw. Perfect throw.

6. Like most Super Bowls with dramatic endings, this will be remembered as a great game; it wasn't. Not to say I wasn't entertained, but it was far from being a well-played game from beginning to end.


7. Nothing is cool about Bruce Springsteen. Nothing. That back-and-forth with Silvio Dante at the end of his performance was just about the lamest fucking act I've ever seen.

Monday's Vickers...


Wisconsin-Green Bay (+1)
vs. Butler


Knicks (+5.5)
vs. Lakers

Suns (-15) vs. Kings

Warriors (+5) vs. Spurs

Yesterday: 0-2
Overall: 279-251-16

-Brad Spieser (

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Kurt Warner's Legacy Hangs In The Balance

You're probably wondering what I think will happen in today's big American football contest. Here goes: I think the Steelers will homicide the Cardinals. I think Kurt Warner will spend the day on his back, throw three interceptions (one being returned for touchdown) and I think his performance -- fair or unfair -- will ultimately keep him out of the Hall of Fame. I can't tell you how strongly I feel about this.

Listen, I'm a sucker for Warner's story just like everyone else, but it doesn't mean the following two things aren't true:

1. Warner throws a ton of interceptions (126 picks in 120 career games).

2. The Steelers are far and away the best defense the Cards have faced this year, especially in the category of terrorizing QBs.

Sure, Warner hangs in the pocket with more courage than just about anyone I've ever seen, but he's also a little too willing to carelessly heave the ball into traffic----that won't fly today. If the Cards hang in there today, or win the game outright, Larry Fitzgerald was the best guy on the field, and bailed out Warner more than usual. And even then, it might not be enough. I'm hoping to watch a well-executed, highly entertaining game, but Super Bowls often disappoint...and that's precisely where we're headed today.

Prediction: Steelers 37, Cards 13.

Sunday's Vickers...

Raptors (+6) vs. Magic

Pistons (+4.5) vs. Cavs

Yesterday: 8-5-2
Overall: 279-249-16

-Brad Spieser (

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