Monday, June 30, 2008

How Far Has Jay Bruce Fallen?

This far: Javier Valentin--quite possibly one of the twenty worst position players in all of baseball--was called on to pinch hit for Bruce in the eighth inning, with two outs, runners on first and second and the Reds trailing 3-2. Let's just say I didn't see that coming four weeks ago.

-Brad Spieser (

Dear Dusty Baker...

While Bill Bray is capable of retiring left-handed hitters, he isn't your typical lefty-versus-lefty specialist; Brian Shouse, he is not. If anything, Bray should be used as a lefty-versus-righty specialist.

The facts: In 43 at-bats against Bray this season, lefties have an OPS of .888. In 49 at-bats, righties have an embarrassing OPS of .505.

This means that not only can you allow Bray to face the almighty Jamey Carroll (which you didn't Saturday), but it's the best possible decision you could make for the professional baseball team you currently manage.

You're welcome for the advice.

-Brad Spieser (

Sunday, June 29, 2008

For What It's Worth (Edinson Volquez Is Still Good)

If you considered murdering yourself with a knife or gun after Edinson Volquez's first dud as a Red, I found something on Buster Olney's blog that might buoy your spirits:

I e-mailed 25 players, scouts and executives this week asking for a response to one simple question: Who are the five most dominant starting pitchers in the game right now? I tabulated the number of times anyone was mentioned on a ballot (and counted the dimpled and hanging chads).

The results:

No. 5: Edinson Volquez, Cincinnati Reds (eight votes) -- He mixes a mid-90s fastball with a changeup that seems to disappear. He has 110 strikeouts in 99.1 innings this year, with a 2.08 ERA.

No. 4: Rich Harden, Oakland Athletics (nine votes): In his start against the Phillies on Thursday, he consistently threw in the 93-94 mph range in all eight innings he worked, and Philadelphia seemed to have no chance when he used his changeup -- the off-speed pitch he prefers now, since ditching his splitter. A no-hitter seemed within the realm of possibility, writes Susan Slusser. Harden has 83 punchouts in 67 innings.

No. 3: Josh Beckett, Boston Red Sox (11 votes): He has struck out 82 hitters in 72 2/3 postseason innings, and this year -- in which he has not necessarily been at his best -- he has 97 strikeouts in 94 innings.

No. 2: Tim Lincecum, San Francisco Giants (14 votes): He has been in the big leagues for about a year and has made an extraordinary first impression, racking up 103 strikeouts in 102.2 innings this season.

No. 1: Felix Hernandez, Seattle Mariners (16 votes). He has pitched well this season and early in his career, but there is a still a sense that he has much more to offer as he gains consistency. He has 95 strikeouts in 107.2 innings, with a 2.83 ERA.

By the way, is anything more interesting than anonymous player polls? Sports Illustrated does there part but I still feel like this is a relatively untapped area. Have you ever not read an anonymous player poll?

New podcasts are on the way. In the meantime, check out the latest batch.)

-Brad Spieser (

Friday, June 27, 2008

NBA Draft: Not That You Care

This one is dedicated to one of my favorite people: Me.

It seems odd for me to return from the dead with an NBA post, but that's precisely what I'm doing. The way I see it, I have no choice.

Here's how it works: I started writing almost two years ago because I was rarely allowed on the air (at my radio job) and I needed an outlet. I basically wanted to make French Open predictions (not really) and remind people of the greatness of chaps like Barry Larkin and Nick Van Exel (really). I also wanted to tell nobody in particular that Edinson Volquez would be better than Johnny Cueto (which I did). Essentially I wanted to allow myself the opportunity to one day tell the world I TOLD YOU SO.

Which is why--after a week of infrequent posting, due to a move and a broken computer machine--I'm making an Ali-like return to the ring NBA draft recap. Deal with it. In seven years you'll be telling strangers things like, "This one guy, Brad Spieser of, accurately predicted D.J. Augustin's place in history as a lottery bust." So you have that going for you, which is nice.

Anyway, my reactions to the things and stuff that happened last night (and the ban on bullet points is still in place)...

(One other thing: If you're not sure who went where, Draft Express has it covered.)

1. As previously stated, I think Michael Beasley is the best player in the draft. That said, Derrick Rose would be the toughest player to pass up, if that makes sense. With young point guards virtually taking over the league it would be impossible to skip over a shockingly-athletic true point like Rose. The prediction here is both Rose and Beasley become superstars.

2. The trade sending Todd's brother to the Grizzlies for (among other things) Kevin Love and Mike Miller made me happier than (insert lame joke here). Couple that with the draft-day trade to acquire Darrell Arthur and I'm loving what the Grizz have going for them. Plus, with the glut of talented point guards--Mike Conley (the obvious keeper), Kyle Lowry and Javaris Crittenton--they will almost certainly turn one of them (probably Lowry, but hopefully Crittendon) into a much-needed banger or shooter (the loss of Miller makes their current roster one of the weaker bunches from long range). Hell, as my buddy (and resident NBA expert) Cam points out, the Grizz could move both Lowry and Crittenton if they wanted, since Todd's brother is capable of playing some point guard.

My opinion is that getting rid of Lowry would be stupid. He's an A+ athlete/defender. He's got Lindsey Hunter's bulldog mentality, but unlike Hunter is a strong finisher at the hoop. You win championships with guys like Lowry coming off the bench.

Regardless, you're now talking about a team with a relentless up-tempo philosophy and pieces fitting that style. With Conley, Lowry or Crittenton (one will be playing elsewhere), Todd's brother, Rudy Gay, Hakim Warrick and Arthur, plus whoever they add, that's a roster of thoroughbreds. The Grizzlies will wreak havoc on plodding teams, sooner rather than later.

3. The Sonics shocked the world (relative term) by drafting Russell Westbrook higher than expected. Facts: He hasn't shown the passing skills of a pure point and he's a suspect shooter. You know what, though? I'm signing off on the pick. The Sonics needed athleticism, unselfishness and lockdown perimeter defense, and they got that with Westbrook. Kevin Durant is a gunner (meant positively in this case) and needs someone who won't be looking to get his own (perhaps that's why they didn't go after Jerryd Bayless). Durant is also weak defensively, but now he's flanked by Westbrook and Jeff Green. I really like this pick.

4. My thoughts on Eric Gordon, Joe Alexander and D.J. Augustin can be found here and here. In short, I think Augustin will be a bust; Alexander, a star when he refines his game; Gordon, a below average NBA player.

5. When Portland made the deal to acquire Jerryd Bayless I immediately received a phone call from Cam, and we slurped Blazers GM Kevin Pritchard. Bayless detractors say he's a shoot-first point guard. Hell, everyone says this. But Portland runs their offense through Brandon Roy, so Bayless basically just has to knock down open jumpers and penetrate when he sees fit. Great trade.

Which reminds me...

6. Why didn't Cleveland trade up to get Bayless? They need to improve their athleticism and outside shooting, which is what Bayless brings to the table. Instead the Cavs selected PF J.J. Hickson from NC State, who I didn't see enough of to form an opinion.

7. I think picks 21-23 were all smart ones. I believe Ryan Anderson, Courtney Lee and Kosta Koufos will be contributors for a long time - and that's all you can ask for in the bottom third of the first round.

8. I think Donte Greene slipping to No. 28 shows how far scouting has come in the last fifteen years. Had someone with Greene's exact skill set entered the draft in 1997 there is no doubt he would've heard his name called in the top five. For the record I think Greene is a great pick at No. 28.

9. D.J. White is a terrible basketball player.

I have no thoughts on foreign players or unknowns like Jason Thompson and George Hill...but...I know which second rounders will overcome the odds and stick in the league.

10. Joey Dorsey is a lock to stick. You know, assuming he stays out of the pen.

11. Mario Chalmers is another player Cleveland should have targeted. He brings something they believe in (defense) with something they need (outside shooting).

12. Luc Richard Mbah a Moute and Kyle Weaver offer too much defense and versatility not to make it in the NBA.

13. If memory serves, Sonny Weems is a knucklehead. But he's not without ability. He was an excellent second-round flier.

14. Chris Douglas-Roberts had the biggest chip on his shoulder before the draft - and then he slipped to 40th overall. I say his quirky offensive game (he plays like he's left-handed) will overcome his shaky athleticism - CDR is a rotation player within the next few years.

15. Patrick Ewing, Jr is an excellent selection at No. 43. He has no offensive game to speak of, but he's powerful enough to guard the new-age PF, and built perfectly to take a shot at Carmelo Anthony. He has the potential to be a stopper.

16. I could write 3,000 words about Bill Walker, or I could write 30. Not surprisingly, I'll stick with the latter. It's an outrage he wasn't a first rounder. An outrage, I tell ya. With his baggage (ACL injuries to both knees and now a torn meniscus, plus he's a temperamental and seems uncoachable at times), I understand the risk. But he has legitimate All Star potential, something very few in this draft can claim. How D.J. White gets taken in the first round while Walker waits it out is beyond me. The Wizards might have taken the steal of the draft with Walker. (Hey, teams once shied away from Anthony Munoz because of pre-existing knee injuries...)

17. Darnell Jackson, taken 52nd, will soon join Jason Maxiell, Reggie Evans, Chuck Hayes, et al, as effective undersized bangers who seem to love doing the grunt work.

That's about it, boys and girls.

I'm not into assessing draft grades, but I loved what Portland, Miami and Memphis did. Oh, and I forgot to mention that I'm a big Brandon Rush fan. He seems like the type of player who will contribute for a champion some day.

UPDATE: The Wizards sent Bill Walker to the Celtics for cash money. The opportunity to absorb tongue-lashings from Kevin Garnett increases Walker's chances of stardom by about 330%.)

(Go listen to the eleven new podcasts.)

-Brad Spieser (

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Bronson Arroyo Plays Baseball In Cincinnati (For The Reds)


1. I am a Bronson Arroyo apologist. And then some.

2. He's been dreadful this season.

Note the use of the words "this" and "season."

There seems to be a notion that Bronson Arroyo hasn't been able to get anyone out since the All Star break of 2006. In fact, that's precisely what Mr. Marty Brennaman said during Tuesday's debacle in Toronto (which is in Canada).

As much as it pains me to say it, my first broadcasting hero is just plain wrong. And so is everyone else who believes that nonsense. I've already been through this (read No. 13), but let me explain it again...

While Arroyo has been lousy this season, his 321 innings--spanning the '06 All Star break through the end of the '07 season--were pretty solid. And way above the league average. Over that time Arroyo had a 3.98 ERA with a WHIP in the respectable 1.35 range (Carlos Zambrano's WHIP this season is 1.33).

Again, I'm not defending anything that Arroyo has done on the mound this season; he's been awful. But the belief that the National League caught up to him in the summer of '06 is patently false. Something happened from last year to this, and I have no idea what.

(Note: The problem isn't his music "career." Can we stop assessing blame on Arroyo's guitar, and/or his time spent playing it?)

Now, as far as Arroyo's plummeting trade value, I have the solution: Don't trade him. You can't, anyway. He's highly paid and ineffective. What could the Reds possibly receive in a trade that would be worth it? I say stick Arroyo in long relief for the rest of the year and let him attempt to iron out the kinks - and move him next year if he does. I'm guessing he's not a washed-up bum at this point - while his walks and hits are way up, his K's/9 are at an all-time high.

Thoughts? Email me.

(Note: I'm either getting my computator back later today or sometime Thursday. Regardless, I'll give pre-NBA draft thoughts Thursday.)

(One other thing: The eleven new podcasts can be found here - the media player still isn't cooperating. Also, Craig and I will be recording new stuff in the next week or so.)

-Brad Spieser (

Monday, June 23, 2008

I Have A Famous Reader. Jealous?

Did you hear that noise? It was me patting myself on the back. And why?

Because Dusty Baker is a reader of this very fine website. It's true. I mean, how else do you explain this quote from Monday's Enquirer:

"Three well-pitched starts by three young men - real young men," Baker said. "Our future looks bright if they can keep developing."

I'm guessing he read this and changed his ways.

(Also, go listen to the eleven new podcasts I posted. I'm still having trouble with the media player. Start with "rockin robin hates the podcast" and scroll up.)

-Brad Spieser (

Thursday, June 19, 2008

New Podcasts!

I hate your face (not Alan Cutler's face, pictured above, but your face). But...I'd still like you to listen to the podcasts. I posted eleven new ones today--scroll down to the podcast titled "rockin robin hates the podcast" and move up. Feel free to provide feedback.

(Blog note: I'm in the process of moving, and my computator is being repaired. Because of this, I'll be posting infrequently for the next week or so. In the meantime I strongly suggest checking out Joe Posnanski's take on the Adam Dunn-J.P. Ricciardi situation.)

-Brad Spieser (

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Hi, Hello and Welcome: Part Thirteen

George Grande was at it again Wednesday:

"For Joey Votto and Jay Bruce today, kind of a special day--they had a chance to meet and greet and talk with Don Mattingly, the great first baseman. Outstanding hitter, .300 career hitter, and a guy who I think in both of our minds is a hall of famer. No, his numbers didn't warrant that simply because his career was cut short with back difficulties, but a hall of famer on the field, a hall of famer off the field, too."

Let me get this straight...

Don Mattingly doesn't have the numbers to get him to Cooperstown--everybody agrees with this--and yet Grande thinks he belongs in the Hall of Fame. I'm guessing this has something to do with Mattingly being a "hall of famer off the field." Okay.

(Also, do you think Jay Bruce has any idea who Don Mattingly is? Bruce was nine-years-old when Mattingly retired, and two-years-old when Mattingly last made an All Star team.)

Other Grande stuff...

Grande's pre-game interview with Mattingly saw him say "Donny Baseball" three times in less than two minutes.

He also called Gary Majewski "The Magic Man" and simply "Magic" about five seconds apart. Earvin Johnson has company.

George Grande, your Reds television announcer since 1993!

-Brad Spieser (

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Me Want To Punch Faces

Ken Griffey Jr, in his pre-game "speech" Tuesday, brought up something we all know - something that makes me want to blow things up with dynamite.

This is the most talented Reds team in his nine years in Cincinnati.

In case you forgot, I wagered several American dollars on the Cincinnati Reds winning more than 78 games this season. I made said wager because they are loaded with talent.

The Redlegs are currently on pace for 74 wins.

Pass me the Zippo.

-Brad Spieser (

Monday, June 16, 2008

How Not To Treat A Living Legend

Why in the world would anyone think it's funny to show Nick Van Exel the 2 Girls 1 Cup video? This is an outrage. (Note: This is a PG swearing, no breasts)

-Brad Spieser (

Dusty Baker, And His Challenge With The English Language

Will somebody please explain to Dusty Baker the difference between the words good and well?

From Monday's Enquirer:

"When you get a good-pitched game, we usually win them. When we don't get a good-pitched game, then we usually get killed - like we did today."

-Brad Spieser (

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Tiger Woods Needs Our Help. Obviously.

There are times when I am the least original human being alive. The latest example: The Tiger Woods Experience.

When he was lining up his birdie on the 18th I considered getting on my knees to say a prayer for Mr. Woods. You know, because he needs my support...and His help.

Which is just bizarre behavior for me in every other walk of sporting life. My attitude before seemingly every game (or tournament) is simple: Unless I have specific rooting interest, I'm pulling for the underdog.

Rocco Mediate redefines underdog. And he's currently engaged in a battle with Eddie House for the title of Most Likable Mammal On Planet Earth. Mediate's story is a great one, too - he's a 45-year-old who had to qualify just to play in the U.S. Open.

So why was I in Tiger's corner Sunday? Why were you?

-Brad Spieser (

Quiet Riot Can Go To Hell!

Who performs the best version of "Cum on Feel the Noize?"

Oasis, of course:

-Brad Spieser (

Friday, June 13, 2008

Where Have I Been?

Searching for pictures of Kim Kardashian and her remarkable butt. Relax.

-Brad Spieser (

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Where Does Griffey Rank All Time?

Hours before Ken Griffey Jr belted home run No. 600,'s Rob Neyer responded to a Wall Street Journal piece that had a "What might have been" theme. Neyer's response is eye opening for those of you who think Griffey is one of the five or ten best players of all time.

From Neyer's blog:

Barra never really argues that Griffey might have been the greatest player ever if he hadn't been injured. But he does allow for the possibility, which I think overstates the case just a little. Griffey was obviously a great player. But I was never convinced that he was a sublimely talented center fielder in the vein of Willie Mays and Andruw Jones, and his .380 on-base percentage before he got hurt was good but not fantastic (just 24th best among his peers with at least 5,000 plate appearances). Would Griffey have become one of the 15 or 20 greatest players ever if not for the injuries? Perhaps. But even considering just the center fielders, I don't see how he'd have caught up to Mays, Cobb, and Mantle.

Neyer was then asked a Griffey question in his chat Tuesday:

Willie (Portland, OR): Okay here's the SportsNation question of the day: Who is the best player in the 600 HR club? Hank, Barry, Babe, Griffey, or Mays?

Rob Neyer: I gotta go Babe, Mays, Bonds, Aaron, Griffey. But you can argue the first four from here to next Thursday.

Up next was Buster Olney. From his chat:

JP (Columbus, OH): Buster, how bout some Griffey love! Where do you rate a prime Griffey Jr. among all baseball players of all time in their prime?

Buster Olney: JP... Hmmmmmmm... Depends on how you evaluate it. He and Bonds were the best players of the '90s, for sure. I'd put him in the Top 50 players of all time... I wouldn't put him ahead of Mays, Aaron, Ruth, A-Rod or Williams - speaking off the top of my head.

Question: Was/is Griffey slightly overrated?

-Brad Spieser (

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